Week 5 / November 28 - Fill Me by Abiding / Contentment (Elementary) & I Can Thank God For Everything (Preschool)
Family Discussion Guide
Discuss the questions below with your family. These can be asked during mealtimes, in the car, before bed, etc.)
Adults Ask:
For Elementary: In 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, Paul tells the believers in Corinth, and tells them about the churches in Macedonia who donated freely, even though they were very poor. This is a great reminder that no matter what we have or what we’ve been through, we always have something to give.
What is one thing you can do this week to use what you have to help someone else?
How can being content show others that you trust God?
Ask your child if they memorized this month’s memory verse. If not, memorize it with them now!
“Then he said to them,
‘Watch out! Be on your guard
against wanting to have more
and more things. Life is not made
up of how much a person has.’ “
Luke 12:15 NIrV
For Preschoolers: This week we learned about the story of Eisha and the wonderful couple who not only invited him to eat from their table, but built a room on their home for him to stay in while he was in town.
How do others feel when we do something kind for them? How does it make God feel?
Who are some of the people who help us?
Do you know someone that we can help this week?
Kids Ask:
What does “Abide” mean?
Do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit working in your life every day?
When was the last time you told someone about God? When was the last time you shared your testimony with someone?