Week 3 - Empty Us of Deception / Taking Initiative (Elementary) & God Is With Us (Preschool)
Discuss the questions below with your family. These can be asked during mealtimes, in the car, before bed, etc.)
Adults Ask:
For Elementary students: This month we studied the story of Nehemiah and how he took initiative and helped rebuild the city wall. In 52 days, the wall was rebuilt and it was time to celebrate what the Lord had done!
What are some things that God has done for our family that you can be thankful for?
How could we celebrate those things?
Do you have a project or something that you desire to accomplish this week (either at home or at school) How can I help you this week so that you can finish well whatever it is that you want to do?
For Preschoolers: Today we learned about Deborah. Deborah was a prophet in the Old Testament. Deborah was wise and told God’s people the right things to do.
When we are wise, we can make good choices like Deborah! Who helps us make the right choices?
Every day, Deborah would stand under a tree and people would come and ask her what to do. What is your favorite tree? Do you like trees that are Christmas trees? Do you like trees with flowers on them? Or fruit trees? How many trees do we have around our home?
What questions do you have for me? What questions would you like to ask God?
Kids Ask:
What does it mean to be deceived (or tricked) by the enemy and how does he trick us?
When have you been obedient to God’s plan for your life?
Have you spent time in prayer about any decision you need to make? Have you asked God what He thinks?