Empty Me of Unforgiveness Individuality (Elementary) & God Made Us to do Big Things (Preschool)
Family Discussion Guide
Discuss the questions below with your family. These can be asked during mealtimes, in the car, before bed, etc.)
Adults Ask:
For Elementary: For our lesson this week, we looked at the story of Lydia in Acts 16:13-15. Lydia had a unique skill with dye AND she followed God. Lydia used her gifts to help others!
Why do you think we refer to our talents or our traits as “gifts”?
What can you do to discover what you are good at?
What is one way you and I could use something we are good at to help someone else? Let’s make plan to put our ideas into action this week!
For Preschoolers: Today we learned about one of the most popular stories in the Bible - David and Goliath. Although David was smaller in size compared to Goliath, and even though he didn’t have armor or a sword, he knew God would help him do big things. David went up against Goliath and defeated him!
What did David throw at Goliath and what happened to Goliath afterwards?
What do you think matters more to God, how giant our bodies are or how big our love for Him is?
Think of what big things we can do when we are strong and courageous. What are three big things you can do? What are three big things I can do when I am strong and courageous?
Kids Ask:
How do you feel when someone forgives you?
Who helps us forgive others?
Is there someone that you need to forgive?