Sermon Recap
You have been entrusted with the greatest news of all—the Gospel, which means "good news." In ancient times, a gospel was a royal announcement, often declaring the arrival of a new emperor who promised justice and prosperity. Yet, time and time again, those promises fell short, leaving people disappointed. You might relate to this feeling, much like the long-suffering fans of the Detroit Lions who, year after year, held onto hope, only to be let down. But just as the Lions have found new leadership and a renewed vision, you have been given something far greater—a true and lasting hope in Jesus Christ, the King above all kings, who brings salvation, freedom, and restores our intimacy with God.
In Acts 9, you see the power of the Good News (which is Christ Jesus )in the life of Paul. Once a persecutor of Christians, Paul encountered Jesus and was forever changed. From that moment on, he dedicated his life to proclaiming that the Kingdom of Heaven had come near. Just like the seventy-two disciples Jesus sent out in Luke 10, you are called to go and prepare the way for the coming King. They went with faith, bringing healing, proclaiming peace, and sharing the message of salvation. When they returned, they rejoiced not in their power but in the assurance that their names were written in heaven. This is your calling as well—to live and proclaim the Gospel with joy, knowing that Christ is always with you. .
However, sharing the Good News means you must first love as Jesus loves. Luke strategically follows the disciples' mission with the Parable of the Good Samaritan, showing you that true discipleship requires breaking down barriers. The priest and the Levite, though religious, failed to act in love, while the Samaritan, despised by Jews, demonstrated what it truly means to love one’s neighbor. You will never be able to share the Gospel effectively if you hold onto labels, prejudices, or divisions. Jesus makes it clear—the Good News is for everyone. If your worship of God does not move you to love people as He does, then it is not worship at all.
Following Jesus on the narrow way will cost you. Loving your neighbor means sacrificing time, resources, comfort, and convenience. But the cost of inaction is far greater—it means others may miss out on eternity with Christ. The Samaritan not only helped the wounded man but ensured his continued care, going above and beyond. Jesus ends the parable with a command: "Go and do the same." Now, let the love of Jesus compel you to live out the Gospel every day, bringing the good news to a world in desperate need of it.
Key Scripture
Read through these passages together:
Discussion Questions
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
How does understanding the historical context of the word "Gospel" change the way we view and share the Good News of Jesus today?
What are some modern "royal announcements" (e.g., sports victories, political changes) that people get excited about, and how does that compare to our excitement for sharing the Gospel?
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus challenges cultural and religious barriers. What are some modern-day "barriers" that prevent us from truly loving our neighbors, and how can we break them down for the sake of the Gospel?
Who in our community might be considered a "Samaritan" today, and how can we show them Christ-like love?
Jesus sends out the seventy-two disciples to prepare the way for Him. In what ways can we be "sent out" today to prepare our communities for the coming King?
What practical steps can we take this week to intentionally share the Good News with those around us?
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Good News of Jesus Christ, who provided our salvation, freedom, and restored our intimacy with You. Fill our hearts with boldness and love to share His message and to break down the barriers before us. Help us to walk in obedience, showing mercy and compassion just as Jesus taught in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. May our lives be a reflection of Your grace, drawing others into the hope and truth of a relationship with You! Amen.
Life Application
Be a Messenger of the Good News – This week, intentionally share the Gospel with at least one person. It could be a coworker, neighbor, friend, or family member. Start by sharing how Jesus has transformed your life, just as Paul did after his encounter with Christ. If starting a conversation feels challenging, invite someone to church or share a Bible verse that has impacted you.
Love Your Neighbor in a Practical Way – Identify someone in need and show them Christ-like love through action. This could be helping a neighbor with yard work, buying groceries for someone struggling financially, writing an encouraging note, or simply listening to someone who needs support. Go beyond words and demonstrate the love of Jesus through your actions.
Don’t Forget
Register for our marriage event taking place April 4th-5th
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