Sermon Recap
This week, Pastor Casey shared a powerful message on repentance, drawing from Romans 2. He emphasized that true repentance is a joyful response to God's extraordinary kindness and patience, rather than focusing on fear or punishment. Just as Jesus demonstrated in his encounters with people like Zacchaeus, God's unwavering desire is to save and redeem us. Pastor Casey reminded us that repentance, as highlighted in Romans 2, isn't about legalistic rules, but about a genuine change of heart and a renewed commitment to following God. It's an essential and ongoing part of our walk with God, helping us to align our lives with His will in a beautiful way.
Key Scripture
Read through these passages together:
Discussion Questions
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
What has repentance looked like in your life up to this point?
Does this passage bring any fresh perspective to the how and why of repentance?
Can you think of any specific ways you’ve seen the lord as kind in this season or prior seasons?
How do you respond to his kindness?
God, thank you for your kindness toward me. I long to live my life in response to that kindness. Would you search me and know me, and would I be willing to bring anything not of you, to you. I look to you and you alone. Lead me to repentance.
Life Application
Find time to make intentional, meaningful space for repentance in your prayer times. Allowing God to reveal what you need to turn from, and do so quickly as you remember his kindness toward you.
Don’t Forget
Sunday Night Prayer January 5th @6:00pm
Additional Resources
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