Sermon Recap
This week Pastor John talked about our fellowship and friendship with the Holy Spirit. What if we woke up every morning and our number one objective was to commune and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. What if that was our purpose each and everyday. To hear Him and to obey and follow Him. How would our lives look different? What would change in our experiences each day? I mean I can only imagine the places the Holy Spirit would take us, not just physically but spiritually as we depended on Him, followed Him, and actively obeyed Him. Can you comprehend the things you might accomplish when being led, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out the Father’s will each day of your life.
The truth is the Holy Spirit desires to walk in daily fellowship with us. He wants to have a conversation with us, he wants to bring revelation to us, he wants intimacy with us each and everyday. What does your relationship with the Holy Spirit look like?
Key Scripture
Read through these passages together:
John 14:16-17
John 16:7
Romans 8:27
I Corinthians 3:16
I Corinthians 6:19
II Timothy 1:14
Galatians 5:25
STOP HERE AND ASK YOUR GROUP QUESTION #1 Before you go to the next scripture.
Acts 16:6-10
Discussion Questions
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
What really stood out to you about the Holy Spirit after reading all these scriptures?
After reading Acts 16:6-10, what ways need to change in how I view the Holy Spirit?
What are some daily boundaries that I need to set up in my life to guard against grieving or offending the Holy Spirit?
What are some practices I need to put in place in order to walk in step with the Holy Spirit each day? Not walking behind Him, not walking in front of Him, but walking in step with Him.
Jesus today I ask you for a deep and continuous fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I do not want to be led by my own wisdom any longer. Holy Spirit, let me know what you desire from my life. Let me know what grieves You, and let me know what makes you happy. Quicken me to know and understand your thoughts and your heart for me. I desire a deep fellowship with You. Help me guard this every day. I ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen!
Life Application
This week practice your fellowship with the Holy Spirit each day by including Him in all your decisions.
Ask the Holy Spirit throughout each day to help you recognize His voice and the impressions He gives you.
Practice walking in step with the Holy Spirit each day through being quick to listen and obey His promptings.
Don’t Forget
Join us in daily prayer and fasting during the month of January
Share your testimony with someone this week!
Revival Services: January 23-25
Sunday Night Prayer: February 6th
Additional Resources
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