Sermon Recap:
I don’t know if you realize this or not, but just about every time Jesus rebuked His disciples it was almost always for a lack of faith. This is how God views faith, a lack of it will draw rebuke from the father. In fact scripture is pretty clear that we can’t please God without faith. Our whole relationship with God is based on faith. When we experienced Christ coming into our hearts for the first time, it was an act of faith. No one on the planet could prove your salvation by giving you something. You knew in your own heart what God just did in your life. Our own salvation is proven by the faith we have placed in Jesus Christ to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Just as we exercised faith to be born again, we continue to live for God by faith. When we pray it takes faith. Walking with Jesus in relationship everyday takes faith. It takes faith to witness, to give, to share Christ with others and to minister. Everything about our relationship with Christ is based on our faith. That is why it is impossible to please God without faith.
Many of the spiritual attacks we experience have little to do with the attack itself or even with who we are. Attacks from the enemy almost always have to do with who you are becoming. That is why Satan attacks your NOW. His purpose is really to attack your future so he can dictate your course. These are assaults against your faith, to stop or hinder you from fulfilling your calling and destiny. If we allow our faith to be stirred up and built, we will be empowered to fight off the attacks today and secure our future for tomorrow.
Key Scripture
Read through these passages together:
Romans 12:3
Hebrews 11:6
Hebrews 3:12-19
Luke 18:1-8
Discussion Questions
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
How can I exercise the muscle of faith in a greater way?
What are some ways that I can start depending less on my own abilities and rely more on God?
What are some of the unlimited resources of God that I need to tap into today?
How can I counter the attacks of the enemy on my faith?
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask you to help me put into action the faith that has been given to me through Christ. I pray that you would increase my faith and increase my boldness when it comes to my faith. I pray that as I read Your Word that my faith would continually increase to trust and obey you. Equip me to step into a new level of faith in my life. Teach me to operate daily in a supernatural way that is unprecedented. Help me to learn how to lean on you, trust you, rely on you, and look to you for my help, strength, wisdom and understanding. I no longer want to depend on my flesh but upon your Holy Spirit alone. Amen.
Life Application
Practice trusting the truth of God’s Word and His promises this week.
Practice operating in faith and trusting God with every decision you make.
If and when you feel attacked by the enemy, ask the Holy Spirit to remind you who you are and what your destiny is. Recognize the attack for what it is - just another tactic of the enemy to try and destroy your faith!
Don’t Forget
Join us in daily prayer and fasting during the month of January
Share your testimony with someone this week!
Additional Resources
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