Sermon Recap
Pastor Matt kicked off the discipleship section of Sacred Rhythms by discussing what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. In summation, to be a true disciple, it requires complete surrender. In our culture, surrender is usually equated with failure, but in God’s kingdom, it is the only path to victory. Pastor Matt took a look and some bold statements Jesus made to two of his would-be followers in Matthew 8:13-22. The point was not to be rude or condescending to these people, but to make it abundantly clear what he expected, 100% complete loyalty. Jesus wanted people to know the cost, and know that they could not follow him on their own terms.
Surrender is a decision we must all come to after we have weighed the gains and losses. To give our lives up in order to receive Jesus is a good trade, but we can only come to that conclusion by faith. Every one of us has to surrender control to Jesus. In doing so, we allow him to lead as we follow.
Key Scripture
Read through these passages together:
Discussion Questions
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
Discuss a time in your life when you had to surrender. It might be serious or lighthearted, small or monumental. Get the conversation started.
How do you react to Jesus saying “Let the dead buy their own dead.” Is Jesus’ invitation too much? What do you think?
It’s clear that we can’t just surrender when it is convenient. Is there anything in your life that you are holding back that Jesus might be calling you to surrender? Remember, the one surrendering doesn’t determine the terms of surrender.
Do you have trouble having faith that Jesus will lead you in the right direction? Do you have problems releasing control in order to follow Jesus?
Make a list of gains and losses. What do you gain/lose from allowing yourself to lead? What do you gain/lose when you follow Jesus? Have you gotten to the place Paul did, where he considers everything else garbage in comparison to knowing Christ?
Surrender is not just a one-time decision. It needs to happen daily as we make a conscious decision to follow Christ as we live by faith. Pray for daily surrender. Pray for faith to trust in God’s leading.
Pray that you would understand the truth Jesus spoke when he asked those following him, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” Pray for an attitude that lives this way each day.
Life Application
If you decided to surrender something, maybe it is your entire life (praise Jesus), maybe it is a habit, your schedule, your finances, etc… then share that with someone and keep note of how you feel when it’s gone. Do you find yourself longing to go back to the way it was, or are you finding yourself walking in freedom trusting the Lord?
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