Sermon Recap
Pastor Matt introduces the sacred rhythm of ministry by discussing offense and defense. In short, “the best defense is a good offense.” As this translates to ministry, we see that simply avoiding sin will not produce the life God has called us to. He has not called us just to avoid something, but to live for something. Jesus makes this clear in the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5. There we find Jesus moving from a general call to a personal call as he tells the people that “YOU” are the salt and light of the Earth. Salt’s primary characteristic is its unique preserving nature, which is valuable and essential for life. As believers, we are called to be the preservers of his presence here on Earth. As Pastor Matt put it, to abandon that purpose is to be as useless as a Highlights magazine with the hidden pictures page already circled. In the end, Jesus transfers his title of Light of the World to us, which is a huge honor and responsibility. Just like restoring city lights to the City of Detroit brought back community and vitality, our light should do the same to those around us. How will we respond to Jesus’ call to preserve his presence by being salt and light?
Key Scripture
Read through these passages together:
Matthew 5:13-16
John 8:12
Discussion Questions
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
In your walk with Christ, what do you focus on more, defense or offense? What percentage of your prayers are directed toward each area?
Pastor Matt said that many of us are focused on trying to preserve the memory of Christianity, instead of its purpose. What did he mean? Discuss.
Jesus says “If salt loses its saltiness, it is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out.” How does this make you feel? Discuss.
Jesus specifically says that we should let our light shine by letting people see our good deeds. Since love is an action, not an idea, what are some things you can do as individuals or a group to shine your light?
Jesus, align my heart to your mission. Allow me to understand that “myself” is a small thing to live for. You are worthy of my love and affection, not just in our songs, but by my obedience to your calling. Give me a heart that his humble, compassionate, and quick to put others needs before my own. Amen
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