Sermon Recap
This week Pastor Nikki unpacked the rhythm of solitude. Building upon the rhythm of prayer we discovered that Jesus’ prayer time did not always look the same. There were times He prayed with the crowds, times He retreated with just His disciples to pray, and even more so there were many times He retreated on His own to pray in solitude for extended periods of time. These times of solitude were different, in that they lasted for hours and sometimes even days. These were times of great intimacy between the Son and the Father. These were times, as we saw evidenced in the story of Jesus’ solitude after His baptism, where Jesus wrestled with His humanity and His divinity.
Solitude, as author Henri Nouwen stated, is the furnace of transformation. It is the place where we go to lay ourselves bare before God so that He might speak into us. Set aside times of solitude are birthed in a deep longing for greater intimacy with the Father. This time is not rushed and it’s not about bringing God the list of all things we want Him to do for us. This is a time when we seek God first. When we practice solitude we settle in for an extended meeting with our Savior. In order to do this we must unplug from all the distractions around us; the people, the devices, whatever static clogs up our thoughts and our schedules. It is only then that true transformation can take place. It is here that we begin to realize that this precious sacred time was never about us, but all about God. It's about Him guiding us, convicting us, correcting us, teaching us, and revealing Himself in greater ways. This is where deeper intimacy grows.
Key Scripture
Read through these passages together:
Discussion Questions
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
Why do you think practicing solitude was so important to Jesus?
Isn’t interesting how God gives us insight into the ways that Jesus is tempted during His 40 days of solitude. Have you ever seen this as Jesus entering into the furnace of transformation as He wrestles with His humanity and His divinity?
When you think of the rhythm of solitude is this something you long for or do you find it overwhelming?
If you find it overwhelming, why do you think that is?
So often we approach prayer from a place of what God can do for us. However, solitude is about spending an extended period of time where we allow God to speak into us. Is this a spiritual rhythm you have ever adopted? Why or why not?
How beneficial do you think it would be or could be to set aside a block of time or even a weekend to just get away with Jesus? Where would you go to simply be still and experience God's presence?
Lord Jesus, give your people a hunger and a passion to increase their intimacy with you through times of solitude. Open our hearts and our minds to all the things You desire to speak into us. Help us to grow so accustomed to Your voice that we long for it. Help us to find such rest in your presence that we would fiercely guard these sacred times with you.
We love you Jesus. We want more time with you. Help us to make You our first priority and allow everything else to fit into the overflow of being filled with You.
In Your name we pray! Amen.
Life Application
Make a reservation with Jesus
Block a chunk of time, 4 hours, 8 hours, a whole day, a weekend, whatever works best for you.
Plan to disconnect from other people and all other distractions.
Grab your Bible and your journal and simply spend an extended amount of time with Jesus. Sit at His feet and seek His face. Let Him speak into You.
Don’t Forget!
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