Sermon Recap
A.B.Simpson: “The chief danger of the church today is that it is trying to get on the same side as the world, instead of turning the world upside down.”
Over the last 20 years the western church has come face to face with our weaknesses. We have realized we lack the much needed power in most situations. The influence over culture we once had is now all but dead. The church on fire full of the Holy Spirit and power, is nothing more than a cooling ember. On top of this the church has experienced moral failures of countless leaders which has destroyed the faith of multitudes who are walking away from the church.
We have realized that our witty models, creative structures, our programs, and strategies have left the church spiritually bankrupt. We have witnessed the deconstruction movements and the doctrinal and theological destruction of an entire generation. Whole denominations have splintered and fractured over issues that would cause the founding fathers to turn over in their graves with bewilderment and fury. We have tried to offer people a Christianized, repackaged version of the world, instead of the true Kingdom of God. So much of the Christian lethargy in the church today is because we are out of rhythm.
Because we have lost the sacred rhythm of walking with Jesus on a daily basis, we have allowed culture to dictate the rhythms of our lives. The problem is compounded when we don’t even realize the rhythms we are living out are so drastically different from the rhythms that Jesus lived out.
When you look at the Life of Jesus we see him living out 3 main rhythms:
He lived out the rhythm of intimacy with the Father.
He lived out the rhythm of discipleship in community with his disciples.
He lived out the rhythm of ministry.
Key Scripture
Read through these passages together:
Luke 5:1-11 (pay close attention to verse 11)
Discussion Questions
Discuss together, pushing yourself toward transparency. The more we are authentic and humble with one another, the more we can grow in Christ.
When we choose to follow Jesus what is the cost? (according to Luke 5:11)
Compare the cultural rhythms of the day with those that Jesus lived out. Name the rhythms that seem normal in our culture today.
Now getting even more personal, compare your current day Rhythms with those that Jesus lived out. Don’t be afraid to name the rhythms that need your attention to bring about a revolutionary change.
What do you need to do to change your current rhythms and adopt sacred rhythms? What rhythms need to go (die)? What sacred rhythms need to start? Now what does it look like practically in your life? Basically what steps are you committing to in order to make the necessary changes?
Lord Jesus, give me the courage to make the necessary changes that must be made in order to live out the sacred rhythms you have called me to. Reveal to me quickly the enormous benefits of my sacred rhythms with you and help me to commit to the new sacred rhythms you are leading me to in my life. Three months from now as I practice your sacred rhythms daily, I want my life to look radically more like you! Amen.
Life Application
Make a plan! Put into practice the new sacred rhythms that God has placed on your heart.
Don’t Forget
Choose a Discipleship Option: Rhythms of Intimacy (Wednesdays) OR Teach us to Pray (Thursdays) . Kids Programming available.
Additional Resources
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