Psalm 63:1–5
We are a people who passionately pursue God’s presence. Radically transformed by what God has done for us through His Son, Jesus Christ, we know we have been called to be a set-apart people. Just as Moses proclaimed in Exodus 33:15-16, we believe the presence of God is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. For us, there is no greater joy than living each day in His presence. Therefore, as a church we are committed to creating environments where people can have a life-changing encounter with the powerful presence of God. These environments consist of worship, prayer, and discipleship.
Galatians 5:22–23
We believe that the Bible is God’s living word, and the truths found in Scripture bring us life. As God gives us fresh life, filled with joy, peace, and love, we live in a way that gives life to other people. Our goal is to always bring encouragement, truth, and grace to those who cross our paths each and every day.
Ephesians 5:1–2
We believe that God has equipped each of us with passions, abilities, talents, and gifts empowered by the Holy Spirit living within us. Because of this, we want to live empowered lives inside and outside the walls of the church in order to influence and impact our communities. We are a Spirit-empowered people with the desire to bring the realities of the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.