DAY 14



I don’t know about you, but my perception of people isn’t always the best. Often I’ve found myself completely mischaracterizing people before I truly get to know them. Our judgments come from a wide variety of places. It could be based on relational association, an experience with an older sibling that we pass down, something they posted online, or maybe even something someone said about them.

Pondering this, I recalled a youth ministry experience I had in the 10th grade. I remember walking by a group of students at a distance. Upon passing by, my friend acknowledged one of them and said,

“Eww... she’s gross.” Without any personal interaction, that comment impacted my perception of that person for the longest time. I had no interest in getting to know her or even being around her. Ironically, this person still attends our church today and is one of the kindest and genuinely most wonderful people I know.

Our perceptions not only impact the way we think about people but also the way we interact with them as well. The proximity, frequency, and conversation. Spiritually speaking, our perception of God impacts every aspect of our relationship with him. Famed theologian A.W. Tozer says, “Our perception of God is the most important thing about us because it shapes how we think about everything.” That is a BIG statement. The most important things about us? Stop and ponder that for a moment. Saying it a different way, he adds “Whatever comes into our minds when we think about God is the single most important thing about us.” Well, how’d you do? How do you perceive God today? Has your perception changed over time? Has it been shaped by what someone else has said or what you’ve experienced lately?

Today, let me share with you one way to see God that comes from King David in scripture. In context, David is on the run from his rebellious son Absalom who is trying to usurp the throne. While fleeing, I’m sure David had reason to question God’s character and promises in this trying moment of his life.

Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.

—Psalm 3:1-3

Did you catch that? Despite all of the trouble David was facing, he confidently declared that God is the Lifter of His Head. That is huge! Many of us go to God with our heads held low, down because we feel defeated, or worse yet, we feel shame about something we’ve done. But scripture declares that God is the Lifter of Our Heads.

Maybe you can’t relate, let me help you. As a coach, my players often hang their heads low after a tough loss, but because I can see life so far beyond their immediate moment, I instruct them to lift their heads. I bring encouragement and assure them that I am proud of their effort. Maybe you’ve never coached, but imagine the way a parent interacts with their child. In moments when they misbehave, feel shame, or have fear of disappointing me, I have found my kids with their heads held low. In those moments, I embrace them and reassure them of my love. In fact, it’s in those moments where my love is communicated most fiercely. Close your eyes and imagine a moment like this. Maybe you didn’t have good earthly parents
to relate to. Allow a picture of Jesus lifting your head to enter your mind.

If your perception of God isn’t right, you might be missing out on the opportunity for Him to lift your head. If you perceive Him as angry and punishing, then you will run and hide from Him ( just like Adam did in the garden), but if you perceive Him as the lifter of your head, you will run to Him. You’ll experience the embrace of His arms and the look in His eyes as he declares you His delight.

Are there misperceptions about God that you need to clarify? Ask Him, search His word, or ask a trusted mentor who knows exactly who God is just like King David did.


Heavenly Father, allow my view of you to be shaped by our time together. Forgive me for the times I’ve mischaracterized you and ran from your presence. God, you are the lifter of my head. Thank you for your constant grace and mercy in my life. Whenever my circumstances are overwhelming, may I always be reminded that you see the greater picture and that I can rest in your presence.