DAY 27



Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. —Genesis 2:7

When I was in middle school, my parents' home had an above- ground, oval swimming pool. From the minute the cover came off, to the time fall came, you could find me there. On the days when I was swimming alone, I had one go-to challenge for myself: beat my record of how many lengths I could swim underwater.

With goggles suctioned to my face and one hand gripping the ledge, I’d take several deep breaths. With a final inhale, I would release my hand, submerge my head, and kick off the wall with all my strength. The first length was easy, touching the wall quickly and using a flip turn to get another boost. The second length was doable, but the third is where it got very tough. Everything in me wanted to come up for air. I would push forward, exhaling little pockets of air every few seconds, until all the air had left my lungs. Breaking through the surface, I took a deep, desperate inhale. Oxygen... Relief. And after I caught my breath? I’d do it all over again.

It wasn’t until college that the Lord showed me that this swimming routine was a metaphor for many of our spiritual lives. We take a deep inhale on Sundays, and often deprive ourselves of Oxygen for The rest of the week, pushing through the week as best as we can. My struggle was that I wasn’t breathing in His Word, or His Presence, and was leaning on my own strength. Even worse, I didn’t really seek God out until I felt desperate, when all along His Oxygen was abundant, near, and available.

Does this pattern resonate with you? I’d like to invite you to envision your spiritual breathing habits. How long are you going without taking a breath- opening His word, listening for His Spirit? Jesus said, “Whoever abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 (emphasis mine). This verse is the opposite of holding your breath underwater. It’s actually a whole lot more like freestyle — the intersection of living in the world, but taking in breaths from heaven to keep you swimming strong.

Recognizing our utter dependence on his Holy Spirit is the first step to end striving, and begin operating with Kingdom power and strength. It might take a renewed sense of humility to recognize and say, “God I NEED you like I need Oxygen.” It might take discipline to establish new patterns — learning freestyle, if you will — which can seem difficult or daunting. But let me assure you, relying on Sunday as your only source of His Presence is much harder.


Jesus, please help me to abide in You today. I confess that in order to follow You fully and do Your will, I need your Holy Spirit like I need oxygen. I do not want to operate in my own strength; I want to experience what it is like to be led by You and sustained by You minute-by-minute. Would You fill every moment of my day today, and show me what it truly means to abide in You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.