DAY 1 - A Thousand No’s
DAY 2 - Proximity Matters
DAY 3 - The Power of Promise
DAY 4 - The Gift
DAY 5 - One Thing
DAY 6 - A Lesson In Humility
DAY 7 - Atomic Habits
DAY 8 - Adjustment
DAY 9 - No Neutral Words
DAY 10 - Just Show Up
DAY 11 - The Antidote to Anxiety
DAY 12 - Everyone is Looking for You
DAY 13 - Becoming Like Jesus
DAY 14 - Perception of God
DAY 15 - Obedience Over Outcomes
DAY 16 - Letting Go
DAY 17 - Megalodon
DAY 18 - The Immeasurable Possibilities of Prayer
DAY 19 - Looking Above the Enemy
DAY 20 - The Power of Small Steps
DAY 21 - Conversations
DAY 22 - Backpack
DAY 23 - What is Your Mindset?
DAY 24 - Behold and Become
DAY 25 - Handprint
DAY 26 - Nightmare Prayer
DAY 27 - Oxygen
DAY 28 - But What if He Does?
DAY 29 - Shadow Games
DAY 30 - Pulling Up Anchor
DAY 31 - Confidence in Prayer
BONUS DAY 1 - The Sawmill
BONUS DAY 2 - The Offer
A Thousand no’s
As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. — Matthew 4:18-20
Your “Yes” is important. What you say “Yes” to impacts all your choices moving forward. Saying “Yes” to one thing means saying
a “No” to a thousand other things. I remember when I said “Yes” to marry Holly and make her my wife. Saying “Yes” meant I was going to break a lot of other girls' hearts — (I’m laughing right now). Saying “Yes” meant I would say no to all others for the rest of my life. It meant my answer was “No” to dating anyone else. “No,” to showing affection to any other woman. “No,” to entertaining thoughts of being with another woman. “No,” to having intimate conversations with another woman. Because I said “Yes” to Holly, there were many “Nos” that followed.
My “Yes” also led to a few more yes’s. “Yes” to loving her, caring for her, and providing for her. “Yes” to going to the beach, long walks, mountain biking, and playing pickleball with her. Because these are some of the things she loves to do.
When Hudson said “Yes” to playing football in high school, it started a long list of eventual “Nos”. “No” to having the summers off. “No” to having weekends off. “No” to summer days of sleeping in. “No” to having lazy days. “No” to some foods that taste really good but aren’t good for building an athletic body of strength and endurance. “No” to dating any cute girl because he has no time for that. (Holly and I are actually grateful for that “No”, don’t tell Hudson). “No” to having any kind of consistent job for spending money because everyday was training day. It also eventually became a “No” to baseball, which Holly and I loved watching him play and thought he would play in college. All because he said “Yes” to football and fell in love with the sport. What you say “yes” to matters. It’s important.
Saying “Yes” to Jesus is no different. It means saying “No” to a thousand other things. When Jesus gave the invitation to his future disciples and said “Come follow Me,” scripture says they dropped their nets at once. In order to follow Jesus, they had to be willing to give up fishing. Maybe that isn’t a hard choice for you, because you hate fishing. But fishing was their livelihood. If we were to put ourselves in their shoes, it would be like saying “No” to a steady income, “No” to your career, and “No” to the only way of life you had ever known.
When Jesus calls us to come and follow Him, He is also calling us to leave some things behind. Jesus reiterates this in Matthew 16:24-25 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” “Take up your cross” is simply another way of saying that sacrifice is required. If you are going to take up your cross and follow Jesus, you are saying that there are a lot of things in your life that are not nearly as important as following Jesus that you are going to say “No” to, starting with all forms of sin. But what we say “No” to isn’t always a sin issue. Following Jesus requires us to say “No” to things that are good, in order to create space, time, and capacity for that which is best. Might I add that when we say “Yes” to Jesus, we are saying yes to following Him daily with a posture of listening, learning, observing, obeying and imitating.
We have to be willing to say a thousand “Nos” to the lesser things of this world when we respond to Jesus’ call with “Yes, I will follow
You!” Are there areas or things in your life you need to say “No” to, because you have already said “Yes” to Jesus?
Dear heavenly Father, over the next few minutes as I sit and listen in your presence, please reveal to me anything you are asking me to leave behind. Are there things in my life I am still holding on to that I need to let go or leave behind? Are there any areas of life or decisions that are coming up that I need to say “No” to because I have said “Yes” to following you? Holy Spirit reveal your heart to me now.
Have you ever tried to talk to your kids or your spouse when they are on the opposite side of the house? You're in the living room, and they are in the far bedroom or the basement. You know they are saying something to you, but it all just sounds like muffled gibberish, and you follow up with a loud WHAT? Then the process repeats itself one, two, or even three more times, depending on how stubborn and lazy you are, until one of you decides to make the journey across the house to where you are finally close enough to hear them. Yet so often we expect to hear and understand God when we are nowhere near Him.
If your goal is to know the voice of God, and it should be, to have open dialogue and constant communication with Him, then your proximity to Him is really important.
As I was stepping into the Lead Pastor role here at The Woods Church a little over six years ago, I heard the Lord speak to me very clearly to build a presence-driven church. Having no idea how to do that or even knowing exactly what that meant, I asked and prayed a lot that God would show me, and He did. What he taught me was the importance of proximity. There are actually several places in Scripture that highlight this idea of proximity. Let me share three.
I remember reading about Joshua in Exodus 33 and how he would remain at the tent of meeting after Moses was done speaking with God. The tent of meeting housed the Ark of the Covenant which represented God’s presence. Moses would enter the tent and talk with God seeking God’s direction for Israel. Joshua would accompany Moses to the tent and remain outside the tent entrance.
Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Afterward Moses would return to the camp, but the young man who assisted him, Joshua son of Nun, would remain behind in the Tent of Meeting.
—Exodus 33:11
Why would Joshua stay behind? I believe it was because Joshua was falling in love with the presence of God and didn’t want to leave. He Found himself in close proximity, and there was nothing better. I believe there was a hunger being developed in Joshua, and I believe God and Joshua probably had their own conversations. Eventually Joshua went on to lead Israel and continued to get his instruction from the Lord.
Obed Edom is another guy who was forever impacted by his close proximity to God’s presence. When King David was transporting the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, the ox stumbled and Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark, he immediately died. God had already commanded that none may touch the Ark. Poor Uzzah! David had a problem. He had to figure out God’s will and how to transport the Ark the proper way. In the meantime, guess where David decided
to stash the Ark of the Covenant? The house of Obed Edom. There is no doubt in my mind that Obed Edom must have accepted this responsibility with fear and trembling. For three months the Ark remained at Obed Edom’s, and scripture says in I Chronicles 13:14 that the Lord blessed the entire household of Obed Edom. The Ark of the Covenant, representing the Presence of the Lord, had entered Obed Edom’s home. And nothing but blessing came as a result. During these three months, Obed Edom fell in love with the presence of God. If you continue reading the several chapters that follow, the name Obed Edom comes up several times.
In I Chronicles 15:16-18, we see that he accompanied the Ark back to Jerusalem and became a singer and musician, a worshiper in the House of the Lord. In I Chronicles 15:24, We find Obed Edom being chosen to guard the Ark. I Chronicles 16:4-6, David appoints Obed Edom to lead the people in worship before the Ark of the Lord. And in 1 Chronicles 26:4-8, scripture says his sons also became gatekeepers in the House of the Lord. Sixty-two sons and grandsons in all. God’s presence had impacted and influenced Obed Edom’s entire household for generations to come. Wow! Being in close proximity to the Lord changed Obed Edom’s entire future for generations and it will change you too!
This leads to my last example found in I Samuel 3. This is the story of when God first began speaking to Samuel.
The boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli. In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions. One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place. The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the house of the Lord, where the ark of God was [emphasis added]. Then the Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered, “Here I am.”
—I Samuel 3:1-4
If you read the rest of the story, you realize Samuel thought Eli was calling him and three times he got up and went to Eli to see what he wanted. Eli finally realized that it was the Lord who was calling to Samuel and gave him instructions of what to do if he heard the voice calling again, which he did. The part I don’t want you to miss is in verse 3. It says that Samuel was lying down in the house of the Lord, where the ark of God was. Remember, the Ark represented the very presence of God. Samuel was laying down just outside the room where the Ark was. He was only a few feet away, separated only by a piece of material in the tent forming the wall. It was in Samuel’s close proximity that God spoke.
There are a lot of Christians today who believe in Jesus, claim Jesus, and have accepted Jesus into their hearts, but are nowhere near Him. In fact their minds, their thoughts, their priorities, and yes, even their actions prove that they are far, far away. They wonder why they can’t hear God, why God isn’t speaking, why nothing seems to be going their way, why it seems like God is silent. Let me assure you
it isn’t a God issue, it’s a proximity issue. Your proximity matters. Every day our first priority is to minister before the presence of
God. Every day we start with prayer, listening, and reading His Word. Throughout the day we never leave the posture of being with Him in His presence. We learn to continually pray, seek His direction, His heart, and His desires for us every hour. When we make being in close proximity a priority, it won’t be long before your ears become attuned to His voice and you hear Him regularly. It starts with our proximity.
Lord, I recognize that your presence changes everything. Forgive me for allowing my attention toward the cares of this world to create distance between us. I want to be found in close proximity to You. So today I choose to change, rearrange, or cut out whatever I need to, so that each day I may enjoy the pleasure of Your presence in my life. Give me ears to hear your voice and a heart that is attentive. Amen.
One of the most valuable things you can have in this life is a promise from God. “By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). The reason promises from God are “exceedingly great and precious” is because they guarantee that, before our story is finished, God is going to visit us with His power and glory.
When God has not yet answered, we get discouraged all too easily with the fact that we haven’t yet experienced our breakthrough. What we fail to fully appreciate is the amazing treasure that we actually possess—a promise from God.
The first thing I want to say to everyone who has a promise from God is this: Do everything in your power to keep your fingers wrapped around that promise! It’s just too precious to lose.
When holding onto promise for a long time, we’re often tempted to lose heart and relinquish our hope. The reason it’s so imperative to hold fervently to promise is this: jettisoned promises can be lost forever. Not every promise is unconditional. Some promises must be carried tenaciously if we are to see their fulfillment. We see this truth in these verses:
Do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. —Hebrews. 6:12
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. —Galatians 6:9
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.
—Hebrews 10:35-36
Hold onto promise like a wide receiver holding onto a football. As he sets his eyes on the goal line, he says within himself, “No matter what happens, I must not let go of this football!” That’s how intently we must resolve to hold fast our confidence.
I can hardly imagine anything more tragic than to receive a promise from God but then to fumble it because it wasn’t fulfilled in our timing. To once have a promise, but to be now without it, is like subsisting in a wasteland of heartsick hopelessness.
My soul refuses to live in the badlands of abandoned promises. I am resolved to do whatever I must to keep His promise close to my heart. Fasting, prayer, and Word immersion are gifts from God to empower us to maintain our grip on His promise.
When you have a promise firmly in your possession, an uncommon boldness and confidence overtakes your soul. The unfulfilled promise means that it must be fulfilled in your lifetime. That confidence puts boldness in your soul about the present.
Let me explain what I mean with some biblical examples.
Abraham had a promise that God would make him into a great nation (Genesis 12:2), even though his wife was barren. At a time when Abraham still had no son, Lot was taken captive by invaders. In response, Abraham mobilized the entirety of his resources—318 men—against the federation of foreign armies (Genesis 14:14). The odds were stacked miserably against Abraham, but promise had placed a crazy boldness in his spirit, and he stepped forward audaciously to engage the enemy. Guess who won? The man who carried a promise. A legion of foreign armies can’t kill a man with an unfulfilled promise.
Caleb had been promised a mountain in Canaan (Joshua 14:9,12). Not only did that promise empower him to endure the 40-year trek through the wilderness, it also preserved his body so that at age 85 he had the strength and energy of a 40-year-old (Joshua 14:11). God preserved his strength so he could take and inhabit the promise given him 45 years earlier.
David had been promised the throne when he was anointed as king by Samuel (1 Samuel 16:13). That promise put brash boldness into David’s spirit, so much so that he went up against Goliath, a seasoned champion of the Philistine army (1 Samuel 17:48). After all, how can a man of faith who carries a powerful promise and is led by the Holy Spirit be taken out prematurely by an uncircumcised Philistine?
Peter had been promised by Jesus that he would live to an old age (John 21:18). When he was imprisoned by Herod (Acts 12:3), he wasn’t old yet. That’s why, even though he was slated for execution on the following day, he lay fast asleep between his two guards. Why stay up and fret when you’re living under the shelter of an unfulfilled promise? The promise that he would reach an old age gave Peter the confidence to get a solid night’s sleep before his seemingly imminent death. And of course we know the story—Peter was released from prison by an angel (Acts 12:11). Why? It was impossible for him to die before he was an old man.
If you have a promise from God, allow that promise to put this same kind of boldness in your soul. Okay, so you haven’t received your breakthrough yet. Okay, so all you have is a promise.
But do you realize what you’ve got? A promise from the altogether faithful God!
In your prayer time remind God of His promise. Tell Him you’re never letting go. Turn up the flames of your prayer furnace seven times hotter. Pray your promise until you see it!
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. —Romans 6:23
My favorite holiday is and always has been Christmas. As a little girl I would be so excited to open gifts on Christmas morning that I could barely sleep the night before.You know the butterfly in the stomach kind of excitement that leaves you giddy? That was me. Needless to say, Santa had a very short window to drop off gifts
at my house. Not much has changed, the idea of giving gifts and receiving gifts still makes my heart leap with excitement. In case you’re wondering, yes, gifts is one of my love languages.
Now in all my excitement to receive gifts over the years, not once have I ever been so captivated by the wrapping of a gift that I chose not to open the gift itself. Never once have I chosen to leave a gift in its original packaging to admire the look of the gift rather than to enjoy the purpose or the functionality of the gift. Honestly, that seems like such a waste to me. When someone takes the time to know me well enough to know what I want or need, I want to display the fullness of my gratitude for the gift by using it, enjoying it, and allowing it to be what the gift giver intended it to be. I have a great appreciation for beautiful gift wrapping, but the real beauty of a gift is always in the thought and intention behind the actual gift itself.
The giftest gift ever given was the gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ. When God, the Father, gave us His Son, He did so from a place of great love with the intention of redemption and restoration. Scripture is clear: we have a sin problem and the wages of sin is death. However, God loves us so much that He beautifully wrapped up His Son Jesus Christ in human flesh and sent Him into the world to be the payment of our sin. This is a gift He has bestowed upon all mankind, and all we have to do is open the gift to receive the fullness of what God has given us. Yet, so many people like the gift of Jesus, but they never fully receive the gift of Jesus because they fail to unwrap the package. So often, people see the gift, they admire the gift, even get close enough to unwrap the gift — but then choose not to. Many people keep a beautifully wrapped Jesus in their lives but leave Him unopened. We can see Him in the ornate Bible that sits on a coffee table collecting dust. He is the “reason for the season,” but He is rarely thought of outside of Christmas and Easter. He is the cross that is dangling around a neck or tattooed on a body, yet the full power of that cross has never been realized because an unwrapped Jesus is an unreceived Jesus.
Let us not be confused: receiving the gift of Jesus is not about making Him our religious affiliation, it's not about admiring Him from afar, nor is it about seeking Him only when we need something from Him. Unwrapping the gift of Jesus, and fully receiving the gift of Jesus, only happens when we realize we need the gift of Jesus. Not the beautiful packaging of Jesus we see painted in cathedrals and nativity scenes, but the functionality of the Savior who sacrificed it all and paid the wage of our sin on the cross. We receive this gift when we make Jesus the Lord of our life. When we come to the realization that apart from Him we can do nothing. When we surrender every part of ourselves to Him. When we pursue His holiness. When we seek Him daily, growing in intimacy with Him, and falling more and more in love with the Savior that sacrificed it all to be the best gift ever given.
May we start this year remembering that Jesus didn’t die on the cross to be a beautifully adorned, unopened package tucked away in a corner of our lives. He came to give us the gift of life, to be the Lord of our lives, and to source every single thing we do. He is God with us. Whether we have walked with Him for years or if today is day one on our journey with Him, every day we should be grateful for the gift of our Savior Jesus Christ for He alone is our hope and salvation.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of Jesus. Not a Savior who is distant or detached from us, but One who came near to be with us and be like us. To evidence the truth of Your love and the fulfillment of Your promises. We fully receive the gift of our Savior. Making Him the Lord of our lives. Surrendering our own desires to the sourcing of the Holy Spirit to live and walk in obedience to you always. Our lives are given as an act of worship and an expression of gratitude to You for the greatest gift we will ever know, Jesus. In Your name we pray, amen.
Prayer is the way you defeat the devil, reach the lost, restore the backslider, strengthen the saints, send missionaries out, cure the sick, accomplish the impossible, and know the will of God.
—David Jeremiah
There is a woman in the Bible who really understood the importance of one thing. She understood what nearness to Jesus was and why it was important. Her name was Mary of Bethany.
We see her in the scriptures only three times. But in all three instances we find Mary at Jesus’ feet. The only recorded words
she spoke are found in John 11:32, “Lord if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” This verse is referencing the story of Lazarus. At the end of this story we know that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
Every time we see Mary in the biblical text, Jesus is either defending her, praising her, or calling us all to look like her and model our lives after her. Somehow Mary had stumbled upon the one thing that captured Jesus’s attention. She figured out what moved him. She learned what his love language was; this is why we see Him defending her and fighting her battles for her. Let's read this popular story from a fresh perspective.
Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”
And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing [emphasis added] is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” —Luke 10:38-42
This is the first time we meet Mary in Scripture. And from the very beginning, Mary was breaking through the norms and expectations of the day. She obliterated the protocols, ignored the culturally accepted systems, and refused to allow others’ expectations to control her. She broke through into a place most have never had the courage or grit to break into.
She broke through business, activity, distraction, anxiety, and all outside voices to be found where she was called to be. Where we are all called to be. With Him!
Mary had the courage to sit down and begin to cultivate a history with God, through building intimacy with Jesus by listening intently to His words. She learned to wait on Him.
Martha is a different story. According to Scripture, Martha is found being troubled by many matters. She is distracted, worried, troubled, and caught up in much serving.
Distracted, worried, troubled, and caught up in much serving. Sounds like the vast majority of churches and people today. There are many things distracting Christians today. Our careers distract us, the busyness of our lives distracts us, social media distracts us, our frustration with our government distracts us, and all of this also creates a great anxiety within us which leaves us with fear and doubt.
This recurring cycle continues to take place all the while creating the same symptoms over and over again. However, it is this cycle that we see Mary push through.
In our day we must cultivate and raise up Marys! Those who will refuse to worship the god of distraction and be found sitting at His feet, listening for His voice, hearing every word He speaks. Marys who will break agreement with the gods of busyness, distraction, and anxiety. Those who will begin to prioritize their minutes, their hours, their days and their weeks, which will turn into years and decades creating history through the priority and rhythm of sitting at Jesus’s feet. These are the ones who hear his voice regularly, these are the ones who see answers to their prayers daily, these are the ones who live free, truly free, from fear, or want, or worry. These are the ones you will find doing the one thing that matters.
Mary simply invested the most valuable commodity she had into eternity. She invested her time! She sowed into the kingdom, into eternity, and into things that moth and rust cannot destroy.
In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus states, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
One of the most impactful points in Mary’s story is that while at His feet she heard Jesus’ words. You can’t move with God and in His timing if you are not listening and hearing Him speak. Hearing Him is only learned through times of waiting on Him practicing the one thing.
Corey Russell says in his book Teach Us To Pray, “We’ve lost the power of His Word in our mouths because we’ve lost the power of His Word in our ears.” How can we ever act or speak on His behalf if we can’t hear what He is saying?
Scripture highlights this same pattern in Jesus’s life of practicing the one thing.
Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”—John 5:19
Jesus lived off being able to hear His Father’s voice and discern what the Holy Spirit was wanting to do. That is how He operated every day. For three and a half years, the disciples experienced Jesus’s prayer life. From Jesus’s baptism until his death, we find Him praying. He prayed in joy, in grief, in sorrow, and in suffering. There are close to 175 verses where Jesus was either praying or teaching on prayer. Prayer wasn’t something Jesus did on the side or when it was convenient or only when He was desperate. Prayer was the very foundation and core of everything else He accomplished.
Listen to a few of the many verses showing Jesus’s priority of prayer.
After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. —Matthew 14:23
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. —Mark 1:35
After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray. —Mark 6:46
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. —Luke 5:16
One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. —Luke 6:12
Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” —Luke 9:18
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” —Luke 11:1
The whole chapter of John 17 is Jesus praying. We haven’t even touched on the 40 days in the wilderness after Jesus' baptism where he was praying. Or the garden of Gethsemane where Jesus often withdrew to pray. Or the crucifixion where we find Jesus praying. The point is prayer was evident throughout Jesus’s Life. His life
was saturated in prayer. Prayer was His priority. It was first, it was central to all He did, and it was the supply line for His intimacy with the father. If prayer was so important to Jesus, if He spent everyday in prayer and He treated prayer as His lifeline, then don’t you think prayer should also be first in our lives? Shouldn’t prayer be our go to, the one thing that trumps all others in our lives?!
The truth is if you are not living a life that prioritizes prayer, you're not walking in intimacy with Jesus. If you lack intimacy with Him, then how could you ever follow Him? You can’t follow Jesus unless you hear His voice. With that in mind, let’s get really practical so you can build your history with God and develop prayer as a priority in your life. Three quick principles as you practice the one thing and develop your prayer life:
You learn how to pray by praying. Just start somewhere.
When you pray, don't think list, think person. Remember prayer’s
purpose is to encounter Him, it’s intimacy with Him.
Build your prayer life by setting and committing to a time and place.
This is a decision that will change your life. Set a time and place daily and fiercely guard it.
If you don’t have a consistent time of prayer already scheduled and set up in your life, take some time and set it up. Commit to it. And 32 don’t let anything distract you from it. Now pray!
When I was just starting out in worship ministry, I had the opportunity to travel and lead congregations in worship at various churches. This was an incredible time of learning and growth, and the Lord used this season to shape me into the leader He desired me to be. One particular weekend I remember an important lesson He taught me while leading at two different churches on the same day.
On this particular Sunday morning, everything seemed to be going perfectly. The soundcheck went flawless, the band was in sync, and we were confident—maybe a little too confident. In our readiness, I remember thinking, “We are going to be awesome this morning.” We prayed a short prayer, filled with anticipation that our performance would be something special.
When the service began, everything went according to plan. Musically, we were on point, hitting every note perfectly and executing transitions smoothly. I walked off the platform afterward feeling like we had just delivered one of the best sets I had ever led.
But there was one problem...and it was a big one. Despite our technical and musical excellence, there was no sense of the Holy Spirit's presence. The congregation seemed disengaged, and there was no spiritual fruit. No one mentioned feeling God's presence or having a powerful moment with the Lord. In fact, the congregation seemed indifferent and couldn't have cared less that we were there. I left that service confused and a bit frustrated, and in my arrogance thought, “This church must have issues.”
The evening service at another church could not have been more different. From the start, everything went wrong. The people who were supposed to meet us and let us in the building were late, which put us on a tight schedule. Soundcheck was a disaster; we couldn't get anything to sound right. As we rehearsed the songs, we couldn't find the groove, and we were messing up songs we had played dozens of times. We were running out of time to fix the multiple technical issues, and musically, we were far from our best.
With no other option, I gathered the team and said, "We need to pray." This time, our prayer was not one of confident expectation but of desperate dependence on God. We knew we were not good enough, smart enough, or talented enough to pull this off. We cried out, "God, if You don't show up, this is going to be a disaster. If You don't move among Your people, they will not experience anything of value. If You don't take control and have Your way, there will be no life transformation and no lasting fruit from our ministry."
As the service began, I wish I could say things improved, but they didn't. The technical issues persisted, the band was all over the place, and I missed several notes and even sang the wrong lyrics more than once (shocking, I know). I walked off the platform feeling defeated, embarrassed, and utterly humbled. I felt like we had failed in every way possible. I questioned why God would allow such a mess when all we wanted was to worship Him and lead others to do the same. I was so caught up in what I perceived as a personal failure that I wasn’t paying attention to what was happening in the room.
When the pastor got up to preach, instead of beginning his sermon, he paused and said, "I sense such a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit here tonight, and I want to invite us to linger in His presence." He asked if we would come back up and continue playing. As we continued to worship together, people began flooding the altars. Prayers and songs were lifted up to the Lord, and the Holy Spirit's presence was palpable. People wept, surrendered their lives to Jesus, and many prodigals recommitted their lives to the Lord. The whole church was filled with those seeking God, and there was a tangible sense of His presence moving among the congregation. What had started as a "disaster of a service" became one of the most powerful worship experiences I have ever been a part of.
After the service, I sat in the bus reflecting on the day, and I began to weep. I asked the Lord to forgive me for ever thinking that our ministry was about my talent or abilities. In that moment of brokenness, He gently whispered to my heart, "The Holy Spirit is attracted to humility."
The Bible is full of stories where God chooses the humble and willing rather than the strong and mighty. These stories demonstrate that God values a heart that is fully surrendered to Him, one that recognizes its need for His strength and guidance.
Moses is a prime example of humility in the face of God's calling. When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses was reluctant, doubting his own abilities. In Exodus 3:11, Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" Moses felt inadequate and unworthy of the task. Yet, it was precisely this humility and recognition of his own limitations that made him the perfect vessel for God's power. God assured Moses, saying, "I will be with you" (Exodus 3:12). Throughout his leadership, Moses continued to rely on God, and God used him mightily to deliver His people.
David was the youngest son of Jesse, a simple shepherd boy overlooked by even his own family when Samuel came to anoint the next king of Israel. In 1 Samuel 16, when Samuel saw Eliab, David’s older brother, he thought, "Surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord." But God said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does
not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). God chose David, not for his physical stature or experience, but for his heart. David's humility and his reliance on God were what made him "a man after God's own heart."
When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she would conceive and give birth to the Son of God, Mary’s response was one of humility and submission. In Luke 1:38, she said, "I am the Lord's servant... May your word to me be fulfilled." Mary was not of noble birth, nor was she in a position of power or influence. Yet, her humility and willingness to serve made her the chosen vessel for the most important role in history—the mother of our Savior. Mary's song, the Magnificat, reflects her humility as she praises God for "being mindful of the humble state of his servant" (Luke 1:48).
Humility is not about thinking less of ourselves, but rather thinking of ourselves less. It is about recognizing our need for God in every aspect of our lives. James 4:6 says, "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." This verse highlights the truth that pride creates a barrier between us and God, while humility opens the door for His grace and favor.
This was the lesson I learned that Sunday night—the service that felt like a disaster from a human perspective was actually a powerful encounter with God because we were utterly dependent on Him. The same goes for you in every area of your life The Holy Spirit is attracted to humility because humility creates space for God to work. When we are humble, we step aside and allow God to take center stage. This is where true transformation happens—not through our efforts or abilities, but through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Apostle Paul understood this well. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, he shares how God responded to his pleas to remove a "thorn in the flesh" by saying, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Paul concludes, "Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." Paul's weakness became the very platform for God's power to be displayed. His humility and recognition of his own limitations allowed the Holy Spirit to work through him in incredible ways.
So, how do we cultivate humility in our own lives? Here are a few practical steps:
Every day, remind yourself that you need God. In your strengths
and in your weaknesses, rely on Him. Whether you are facing a challenging situation or experiencing success, acknowledge that it is only by His grace that you can accomplish anything of lasting value.
Humility is often demonstrated through service. Jesus, the ultimate example of humility, "did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28). Look for opportunities to serve others, putting their needs above your own.
Gratitude shifts our focus from what we have done to what God has done. Regularly take time to thank God for His blessings, His guidance, and His presence in your life. Gratitude leads to humility by reminding us that everything we have comes from Him.
When pride or self-sufficiency begins to creep in, be quick to repent. Recognize when you are relying on your own strength instead of trusting in God's power. Turn back to Him with a humble heart, acknowledging your need for His guidance and grace. Repentance restores our dependence on God and realigns our focus on His will, allowing the Holy Spirit to move freely in our lives once again.
Lord, I come before You with a humble heart, recognizing that I am nothing without You. Help me to always rely on Your strength and not my own, and to serve others with the same humility that Christ demonstrated. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and let my life be a vessel for Your glory. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
I recently came across a very impactful book, Atomic Habits, which communicates strategies that can be developed to foster habits which will help you become the kind of person you want to be. We all want to be the best we can be, right? Like it or not, the book states that “the quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits.” In our case, we want to be Christ followers who are presence-driven, life-giving, and spirit-empowered. As I read the book, I began to think about how using these practices would impact my relationship with the Lord.
One of the simplest, foundational truths was this: “true behavior change is identity change.” Jesus talked about this over and over again, even criticizing those who had noble goals on the outside, but whose insides were not changed at all.
In Matthew 23:25-28 Jesus says, “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First, clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”
Ouch! This is a scathing rebuke of people who claimed one thing, but did another. I don’t know about you, but I genuinely desire for my life’s habits and actions to match up to the faith I profess. Paul calls this “living a life worthy of the gospel you have received”(Ephesians 4:1) So, how do we do that?
Let’s get practical. In his book, James Clear states that when it comes to our habits, “It’s one thing to say I’m the type of person who wants this. It’s something very different to say I’m the type
of person who is this.” We have to think way beyond changes on the outside, and move to changes on the inside. It’s good for us to come up with achievable goals, but we need to think more about our internal beliefs that shape those goals. In other words, we need to totally rewire the way we think about some aspects of our faith. Here are some examples:
The goal is not to spend more time in prayer, the goal is to foster friendship with Jesus.
The goal is not to check the box of prayer, the goal is to hear your Heavenly Father’s voice.
The goal is not to read your Bible more, the goal is to know the truth.
The goal is not to ask for forgiveness, the goal is to be forgiven and receive grace.
The goal is not to serve in kids ministry, the goal is to become a co laborer with Christ.
The goal is not to give a tithe, the goal is to live a life of generosity.
The goal is not to come to Sunday night prayer, the goal is to move the heart of God.
In all of these areas, there are identities that we need to take on. If not, we might start some of these practices, but we won’t stick with them. Prayer will become stagnant, serving will become burdensome, church attendance will occur when convenient etc... Instead, identity change looks like this:
I enjoy time with Jesus
I am desperate for the Spirit’s leadinG
I don’t live on bread alone
I regularly encounter God’s love
I spend myself
I am a steward of what God has given me I have faith that prayer matters.
I hope you’ll take some time to evaluate the habits that form your faith. What are the beliefs behind your actions? Spend time in prayer today letting God shape your identity into his image.
God, you have called me to be a self-sacrificing servant who lays my life down for you and your church. Before I endeavor to build habits that will reach that goal, root my heart in that truth. I am called, I am chosen, and I am a part of your royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) I am your workmanship, and I have been created in Christ to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10)
Stop adjusting the Word of God to your life and start adjusting your life to the Word of God. —Personal prayer journal entry
By the time I was in junior high, I think I had moved a total of 8 times. I was born in Savannah, GA, lived in Wisconsin, the great state of Ohio, Texas, New Mexico, Australia, and finally Michigan. Those of you who have moved to a new city or country can attest to, can be quite an adjustment. Adjustment is all about trying to fit in and get yourself into a new rhythm that you hope can at some point feel normal. Whether it’s a new job, a new school, a new neighborhood or community, there is an adjustment period that everyone goes through. I googled the definition of adjust, and here is what I found:
ad·just (verb): To alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result
I want you to look at this definition and read it one more time. To alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result. As Christians, that is what many of us try to do. We take the holy, infallible, inspired word of God and choose a few things out of it to follow to make ourselves feel better. Basically we take what we like or what we agree with and apply it to our lives and call ourselves Christians. The hard things that Scripture talks about, those things that are an inconvenience or fly in the face of our cultural beliefs or go against our already established habits and lifestyle, we tend to just leave there in the Bible and turn the page, instead of taking action and applying God’s truth to our lives. We are a culture who likes to pick and choose according to our preferences.
I will take loving my neighbor to heart, but I won’t love my enemies. I’ll forgive most of the people that cross me, but some don’t deserve my forgiveness. I will give my tithe when it’s convenient or when I have extra, but I won’t commit to giving it every pay period. I will give up sin...well most of my sin except that which I don’t want to give up. I want to honor God with my life, but I'm not going to stop living with my boyfriend or girlfriend or practice sex in a committed marriage relationship like God intended. I want God’s best, but what I really want is what I think is best for me.
These are just some simple examples that I regularly see in people who try to take bits and pieces of God’s Word and adjust His Word into their lives. When in reality, Jesus called all of us to drop our nets and follow Him. We are to drop our old ways, old habits, old desires and wants, and our old life, so He can give us new life.
He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. —2 Corinthians 5:15
Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
—Romans 8:5
So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed. That, however, is not the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
—Ephesians 4:17-24
Put off your old self and embrace the new self given to you
through Christ, characterized by holiness and righteousness. The sacrifice of Christ has granted you freedom from sin. Why would you ever want to adjust the Word of God to fit an old, sinful lifestyle? Unfortunately, many self-proclaimed Christians make this mistake. Jesus willingly went to the cross to provide us with new life. Therefore, we must adjust our lives to align with the truth of God’s Word. Scripture is clear that we demonstrate our love for God through our obedience (John 14:15). Out of our love for Jesus and our gratitude for His grace and mercy in providing new life for us through giving His life on the cross and forgiving our sins, our only response is to surrender ourselves and give our lives completely to Him.
Lord Jesus, please reveal to me any areas where I have tried to adjust your precious Word to fit my selfish lifestyle. I will repent whenever you bring any of those areas up because I want my life to reflect You in all I say, do and think. Thank You for your forgiveness, for Your freedom, and the new life You have given me. Amen.
What kinds of things are you speaking? I cannot get past the importance of the words that come out of our mouth. I've dealt with this topic before, but it’s so vital to our walk in the Spirit; therefore, I want to address it again.
Words are rarely, if ever, neutral. By that I mean every word spoken from our mouth contains either life or death (Proverbs 18:21). In Proverbs 10:11 it says, “The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life.” But in Proverbs 11:9, we’re told that the mouth of “the godless man destroys his neighbor.” Proverbs 11:11 goes on to say, “By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is torn apart.” What is the condition of your city? More specifically, what are you declaring over your city?
I remember the first time I ministered in Las Vegas. Looking at the city as I drove over the crest of the mountain brought me to tears, because Las Vegas has traditionally been described as “sin city”. Did it become what people declared it to be? What could happen if the righteous of that city began to speak different words over Las Vegas? What would your city look like over the next ten years if your mouth became an instrument of God’s prophetic decrees instead of the enemy’s pathetic complaints? My point is that words are not neutral.
Jesus boldly stated that the flesh profits nothing. That means anything done in the flesh has no benefit including speaking. He went on to say the Spirit gives life. And then Jesus said, “the words that I speak are life” (John 6:63). If His words are life, then His words must have been governed by the Spirit—because only the Spirit gives life.
That means Jesus never spoke a word in the flesh. Think about that, every word uttered from His mouth was generated by the Spirit. Little wonder, then, that when Jesus spoke, demons fled, sickness left bodies, crippled body parts were made normal, elements were transformed, and even dead bodies arose. How was that possible? I would like to suggest it was possible because Jesus never spoke in the flesh but only in the Spirit. Jesus obviously demonstrated the fact that words are not neutral.
Just imagine if every word that you spoke was generated by the Holy Spirit. Not only do I believe that’s possible, but we’re going to be held accountable for every word not spoken in the Spirit. Jesus said, “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it on the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:36).
A careless (argos) word is barren, lifeless, and dead. It’s a word that doesn’t have the capacity to generate life in those who hear it. That’s the result of speaking a word in the flesh. I’m challenged by the kinds of things that I say or even write on Facebook. Even political rants, if we’re not careful, can become a lifeless venting of the flesh that leaves wounded and divided people in the wake of our frustration.
One word, spoken under the direction of the Holy Spirit, can have enormous results. When Ezekiel was told to prophesy over dry bones, his words carried the unction of God within them. The Bible says of Ezekiel, “So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise” (Ezekiel 37:7). No doubt that when bones rattled and shook, they were noisy, but this word noise (kole) is translated as the voice of God in many other Old Testament passages. Perhaps when Ezekiel released his God-inspired declaration, the voice of the Lord was heard in his words.
This makes me ask: whose voice is heard in our words if we’re speaking without the inspiration of God? The Bible commands us to never speak a word that is rotten in Ephesians 4:29. We are told, rather, to edify people with our mouth—which can only happen if we’re speaking in the Spirit because only the Spirit gives life. Additionally, we are commanded to impart grace with our mouth (Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6). Grace is essentially an impartation of the Spirit; therefore, we would have to be speaking under the impulse of God to release grace through our words.
I’m truly challenged by the kinds of things that come out of my mouth because I’m realizing that my words are not neutral. I’m releasing either life or death every time that I talk. I am still on the longest fast of my life, a “grumble fast,” which in some ways is more difficult than going without food. I wrote a book called Life and Death: The Power of Words that talks about my grumble fast and other issues concerning the words we speak.
Grumbling and complaining are idle words released from an ungrateful heart that if not repented for, we’ll have to give an account. Grumbling was so serious to God that some of the Israelites were destroyed because of it (1 Corinthians 10:10). When I started my grumble fast, I began to recognize just how deeply embedded ungratefulness was within me. Truly, as Jesus stated, my mouth speaks out of the things that fill my heart (Matthew 12:34). This has caused me to repent, die a deeper death, and to ask the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with His words. It also caused me to steward my ears by what I listen to on a day-by-day basis.
Beyond those things, here are a few practical suggestions. Be quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19). Learn to give thanks in all things because it’s truly the will of God (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Give praise to God every day (Psalm 145:2). Encourage other people every day (Hebrews 3:13). Most of all, learn to speak as the Spirit gives you utterance. What you say really matters to God and to people because your words are not neutral.
Jesus, transform my mouth and sanctify my tongue. May the Holy Spirit source every word that proceeds from my mouth.
DAY 10
My name is Nikki and I love God’s Word. Not only do I love God’s Word, but I love the people God puts on display in the pages of Scripture. Every person’s story shares a little more of what God desires us to know and I just want to soak it all in. Of course
most people in this context would think of the big guns; Abraham, Moses, King David, Queen Esther, Mary, the 12 disciples, Paul, just to name a few of the more notable. Not me! Not at all. Nope, I like the obscure people. You know the ones that only get mentioned once, maybe twice if they are really lucky. Now please hear me, not everyone mentioned once in the Bible is worth taking a deep dive into. In fact, if you tried, you would have a hard time finding much on these one hit wonders. However, every once in a while God uses people in small but mighty ways. These are the people that if we skim over them, we will miss something...something really big. We must never let these people’s lack of staying power deceive us into believing that their moment in Scripture isn’t powerful.
Two such people that have become a couple of my favorites over the last several years are a man named Simeon and a woman named Anna. They are found in the second chapter of Luke’s Gospel - but if you blink, you might miss them. In fact, I bet some of you have read this portion of the story of Jesus’ birth and never gave Simeon and Anna a second thought. If that’s you, it’s ok. That was me too for a very long time. However, more recently God has drawn my attention to the little space of real estate that Simeon and Anna hold in Scripture. Let me share it with you. We will meet Simeon first.
At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. The Holy Spirit was upon him and had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God... —Luke 2:25-28 A short time after we witness Simeon praising God we will meet Anna.
Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. Her husband died when they had been married only seven years. Then she lived as a widow to the age of eighty-four.[c] She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer. She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem. —Luke 2:36-38
In this story, three things are abundantly clear about Simeon and Anna. First and foremost, they were devoted to God. Luke tells us that Simeon was a righteous man with the Holy Spirit upon him, and Anna lived in a posture of prayer and had the heart of a true worshiper. Day and night she remained in the Temple. That' commitment. The second thing that is clear about these two is that they were eager to see God fulfill His promises. God promised the Messiah would come, and they believed for the Messiah’s arrival. Finally, what these two incredible people of faith teach us is the power of showing up. They both waited, eagerly and expectantly, for God to do what He had promised to do. The little bit that Luke tells us about Simeon and Anna is actually quite a lot. They were faithful, they trusted, and they showed up to see God move because they eagerly expected Him to move. The process wasn’t easy, nor was it quick. Simeon had been waiting so long that the promise was that he would not die before the Messiah came. For Anna, it was the heartbreak of losing her husband at a very young age that set her on the decades long journey of living a life of complete devotion. In the waiting and the struggle, they both chose to show up. Day after day, they eagerly awaited a movement of God.
In a recent conversation with a dear friend and mentor, I shared with her a God dream that had been birthed in me over a decade ago. When the dream was first planted in my heart, I was coming out of a season of profound grief. At the time, I thought it was a dream God wanted me to immediately act upon. However, as door after door painfully closed, God revealed it wasn’t time yet. He still had to prepare me for what He had prepared for me to do. So I waited. Placing the dream on the backburner, I began to walk in what God had for me right now rather than what might be one day. About three years ago, God gave me the green light on the dream. Yet, I have not done a single thing. You see, in the wait, I stopped eagerly expecting God to do anything with the dream He placed in my heart so long ago. In accordance with the old adage “out of sight, out of mind,” my God dream was placed so far on the backburner that when God called me to forward motion, I was paralyzed and have remained so. There is no way to sugarcoat this so I will just rip the band aid lack of action is disobedience. God has called me to something, and I have failed to show up. As I spoke this out loud for the first time to my mentor, she spoke Holy Spirit inspired words back into me. She reminded me that God doesn’t need my offering to be perfect, He just needs me to show up so He can move. I don’t need to worry about having it all figured out, I just need to show up and trust that He holds it all in His hands. According to His will, in His timing, by His methods, it will become what He desires it to be if I show up for the assignment.
Simeon and Anna showed up for the assignment. They believed in the promise for a Messiah. Day and night for decades, they eagerly expected His arrival. They devoted their lives to knowing that if God promised something, He was good for it. The wait was long and their circumstances were not always easy, yet they chose to trust. They chose to show up. Isn't it amazing what God can teach us through two people who only grace 15 verses of Scripture? Make no mistake, Simeon and Anna teach us that when we trust, even in the wait, even in the difficulty, God never fails to show up. It might not look the way we thought, it might take a whole lot longer than we wanted, but when we show up, eager and expectant, God moves.
As you pray today, take a personal inventory. Are you showing up, every day, eager and expectant for God’s movement? What have you been believing for? Do you trust God’s will, His timing, and His methods? What dream or prayer has God planted in your heart? Are you still praying for it or have you given up? Where have you seen God’s faithfulness in your life? Have you shown up to praise Him, to testify to His goodness? Today is the day...declare what you are believing for, lift up your praises, lift up those prayers you have given up on, fix your gaze on Jesus and show up to walk in the fullness of obedience. Confidently knowing that when you do show up, God has a way of exceeding all expectations.
DAY 11
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. —Phillipians 4:4-7
Have you ever memorized a verse, had it in your heart and mind for years and years, and somehow never noticed the surrounding verses? For me, that verse is the ever-popular, Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
The single verse packs a punch. The simple yet profound practice of praying rather than letting your thoughts spiral can truly be life-changing. As the scripture states, this practice truly guards our hearts and minds- as petitions make way for peace.
But there are a few sentences from Paul that preface our well-known, highlighted, laminated, reprinted-and-framed verse:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
It’s almost like He knew we’d skim past it, hitting us with the “let me repeat myself!”
Not only is Paul instructing us on what to do (rejoice in the Lord) but also when (always). You see, the verse most of us have memorized is the how and why. But the thesis of this teaching is the ever-important instruction to rejoice.
This is because joy is the antidote to anxiety. In fact, many studies have shown that the brain cannot respond to anxiety and gratitude at the same time. It is an “either/or” situation. We can feel anxious and experience other negative feelings, or we can feel grateful and all of the positive emotions that are associated with it.
This heart-posture of rejoicing no matter what is going on in our lives transports us out of the present moment, through His gates and into His courts (Psalms 100:4).
So what does it look like to rejoice... today? Here is one simple practice I’ve adapted, that’s been transformative for my thought life:
As soon as I wake up, before I let my feet hit the floor, or my hand reaches for my phone, I whisper Phillipians 4:4-9 to myself (this took some practice; my memory is not great). This is done at a slow pace, inserting my own prayers between Paul’s teaching. Here is an outline of the scripture, for you to try now:
Rejoice in the Lord (tell God what you are thankful for).
I will say it again, Rejoice (keep telling Him; spiritual, eternal things).
Let your gentleness be evident to all, the Lord is near (ask for fruit of His Spirit).
Do not be anxious about anything (present your requests).
From there, I’d encourage you to continue through verses 8 and 9:
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Think about such things (fix your thoughts back on the “good”)
Put it into practice (ask for obedience and strength).
And the God of peace will be with you.
I can testify that starting my day like this for the past several weeks has transformed my thought-life throughout the day. When anxiety tries to rear its ugly head, my spirit whispers “rejoice.” When things don’t go my way, again I hear “rejoice.” I am learning first-hand, as I pray you do, that the joy of the Lord truly is our strength.
Outline above to guide your prayer time.
DAY 12
Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. Later Simon and the others went out to find him. When they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” —Mark 1:35-37
For significant portions of my life, I did not consider myself a morning person. As many parents have experienced, my desire for sleep didn’t meet the reality of young children. Currently, our youngest children wake up at 6:30 am at the latest, and my day doesn’t “end” until 10:00 pm. Everything else in between will be a series of tasks, requests, and notifications to fill my day. Life, like nature, abhors a vacuum, especially in regards to time.
Jesus was the opposite of me. “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed” (Mark 1:35). If ever there was a person in history who did not need to pray, it was Jesus. As He said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). And yet, “he would withdraw to desolate places and pray” (Luke 5:16). Clearly, there is something for us to learn between the “have to-s” and the privilege of His presence.
Unlike Jesus, if anyone needed to pray, it would be me. Life is hard enough and, at times, I don’t help make it easier. I need God’s help in my marriage; I need God’s help as a parent; I need God’s help in my work; I need God’s help with my family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. Rarely a moment goes by that I do not need God’s help. As the need for God extends beyond myself, my world is filled with those who are in need of God. Not just in His saving grace, where there are plenty, but the many aspects of my world where I am praying for a move of God.
As Jesus rose early to pray, we soon found out why. “And Simon and those who were with him searched for him, and they found him and said to him, ‘Everyone is looking for you’” (Mark 1:36-37). “Everyone is looking for you.” That feels eerily similar to my life. For Jesus, the request was for preaching, teaching, healing, and miracles; the requests upon my life are different. While they may come from my family, more often than not there is one culprit that everyone can come looking for me through: my mobile device. Despite how beneficial it is in so many aspects, the notifications keep coming.
As a phone call turns to text message, then email, social media, and next thing you know the doom scroll has begun...
Psalm 1:2 encourages us, “but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” While God is no respecter of the hour or time of day we spend with Him, I find that my heart and soul are. When I wait until later in the day to spend intentional time with God, the happenings of my day are the filter that I experience the Word of God through. I could point to specific moments where portions of the Scripture would apply, but the day often spoke first. In an effort to find some morsel of time alone, I began to rise “very early morning, while it was still dark.” I experienced the Word of God first, and God’s Word became the filter through which I experienced my day, not the other way around.
Regardless of your role in life (spouse, parent, grandparent, employee, neighbor, etc.), “everyone” is looking for you. They are looking for your time, attention, and focus. While many of these things that request our attention are not in their own right evil, the impact they have upon our heart may be. Any rightful attention
due to God and turned toward something else is the beginning of forming an idol. John Calvin says, “Man’s nature, so to speak, is a perpetual factory of idols.” In the United States (and everywhere else in the world throughout all human history), we have no shortage of idols the factory of our hearts have produced. Every one of them is looking for you.
This devotional you hold in your hand, and ultimately the time you spend with God is the antidote. Jesus recognized that from the moment He woke up until the moment He went to sleep, everyone would be looking for Him. He would either let those who are looking for Him guide how His day would go, or He would allow communion with the Father to. Jesus, who did not need to, “[rose] very early morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” As I have done the same, and what do you know? I am a morning person. May the same be true for you.
God, my day has barely just begun and “everyone” is looking for me. Rather than moving through my checklist or on to the next thing, would you help me first to look for you. Would my time in Your presence be the filter that I engage in the world, not the world being the filter that I experience You. As the old hymn sang, “In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.”
DAY 13
Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee. He saw some ragtag boys. Something about them must have drawn Jesus’s attention. Jesus chose them when He said, “Come, follow me.” (Matthew 4:19a). They responded. No arguing. Simple trust. Complete obedience. The world was forever changed. Faithful followership producing fruit generation after generation. In our sin-sick world, where division, judgment, and ideological collisions regularly happen, can you imagine what Christ followership might do today? That followership was focused on Jesus Christ. He was the CENTER. As those first followers moved toward the CENTER, they became increasingly more like the CENTER. I want to clarify something here. Becoming more like the CENTER was not the goal. To understand the real goal, you need to answer the question: What is the goal of becoming like Jesus? The goal of becoming like Jesus is always for the benefit of other persons. It is for the neighbor. It is for the hurting. It is for the persons lost and lonely. It is for the persons on the margins. As we become like Jesus, we reflect Jesus into our world.
I was in an Uber with another district superintendent, a pastor, and a former higher education administrator. I know it sounds like the start to a bad joke. Our female driver called herself a hippy. She had beads and bracelets hanging from every imaginable spot in her “new” car. While driving us to the airport, she reflected on childhood frustrations with her parents...61 years ago.
She was a 12-year-old and wanted to go to a Beatles concert with a few of her friends. To this day, she is still distraught about her parents not letting her attend the concert. She could not wrap her mind around the idea that her parents thought a Beatles concert was not a good place for an unchaperoned 12-year-old.
She shared the following story. As she grew into adolescence, she decided to teach her parents a lesson. Her revenge was to bring hippy-looking guys home. If the guy had long, straggly hair, she invited him to her home. Laughingly she said, “My parents thought all my boyfriends looked like Jesus; so they were cool with who I dated.” Our driver did not know we were ministers. She described her Jesus-like dates with one quality: long hair. For her, long hair resembled Christlikeness. Because of long hair and the presumed similarity to Jesus’s hair, her parents supported her dating habits.
Scripture reveals how Christlikeness is rooted in substantively different categories than physical appearances. Think about it. Jesus sits at tables with sinners. Jesus enjoys fellowship with persons who are different. Jesus draws close to people who do not look like, believe like, or act like Him. In the art of drawing close, those persons to whom Jesus draws close are challenged to be changed. They are challenged not because of what Jesus looks like or says, but because of who He is.
I am glad we get to reflect the actual Jesus into a sin-sick, broken world. In our moving toward the CENTER, we learn to love the unlovable. We learn to walk alongside those who are far from Jesus. We learn to offer hope to many who have lost hope. Christlikeness is never about physical appearances. It is about our hearts becoming fully transformed, softened, made holy for the benefit of the other. It is about radiating humility and empathy to the people around us. It is about offering places of hospitality. It is about living differently in the sin-sick world. An essayist once wrote (my paraphrase):
“Christians follow a Holy Carpenter. Since we follow a Holy Carpenter, we should be building holy and good tables.”
Might we begin to build tables. Might we invite people who are unlike us to enjoy table fellowship with us. Might we reflect Jesus to those at our table. The Pharisees and Teachers of the Law criticized Jesus, “This man welcomes and eats with sinners....” (Luke 15:2).
In our moving toward the CENTER, might we become more like Jesus for the benefit of others. Might we be accused, “These people welcome and eat with sinners.” May it be so of us.
Lord Jesus, as You called simple fishermen to follow You, help us respond with the same trust and obedience. In a world that is so divided and hurting, transform our hearts, not for ourselves, but for the benefit of others. Teach us to love, serve, and welcome all, reflecting Your grace and compassion. Use us to build tables of fellowship where Your love is shared with everyone. Amen.
DAY 14
I don’t know about you, but my perception of people isn’t always the best. Often I’ve found myself completely mischaracterizing people before I truly get to know them. Our judgments come from a wide variety of places. It could be based on relational association, an experience with an older sibling that we pass down, something they posted online, or maybe even something someone said about them.
Pondering this, I recalled a youth ministry experience I had in the 10th grade. I remember walking by a group of students at a distance. Upon passing by, my friend acknowledged one of them and said,
“Eww... she’s gross.” Without any personal interaction, that comment impacted my perception of that person for the longest time. I had no interest in getting to know her or even being around her. Ironically, this person still attends our church today and is one of the kindest and genuinely most wonderful people I know.
Our perceptions not only impact the way we think about people but also the way we interact with them as well. The proximity, frequency, and conversation. Spiritually speaking, our perception of God impacts every aspect of our relationship with him. Famed theologian A.W. Tozer says, “Our perception of God is the most important thing about us because it shapes how we think about everything.” That is a BIG statement. The most important things about us? Stop and ponder that for a moment. Saying it a different way, he adds “Whatever comes into our minds when we think about God is the single most important thing about us.” Well, how’d you do? How do you perceive God today? Has your perception changed over time? Has it been shaped by what someone else has said or what you’ve experienced lately?
Today, let me share with you one way to see God that comes from King David in scripture. In context, David is on the run from his rebellious son Absalom who is trying to usurp the throne. While fleeing, I’m sure David had reason to question God’s character and promises in this trying moment of his life.
Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
—Psalm 3:1-3
Did you catch that? Despite all of the trouble David was facing, he confidently declared that God is the Lifter of His Head. That is huge! Many of us go to God with our heads held low, down because we feel defeated, or worse yet, we feel shame about something we’ve done. But scripture declares that God is the Lifter of Our Heads.
Maybe you can’t relate, let me help you. As a coach, my players often hang their heads low after a tough loss, but because I can see life so far beyond their immediate moment, I instruct them to lift their heads. I bring encouragement and assure them that I am proud of their effort. Maybe you’ve never coached, but imagine the way a parent interacts with their child. In moments when they misbehave, feel shame, or have fear of disappointing me, I have found my kids with their heads held low. In those moments, I embrace them and reassure them of my love. In fact, it’s in those moments where my love is communicated most fiercely. Close your eyes and imagine a moment like this. Maybe you didn’t have good earthly parents
to relate to. Allow a picture of Jesus lifting your head to enter your mind.
If your perception of God isn’t right, you might be missing out on the opportunity for Him to lift your head. If you perceive Him as angry and punishing, then you will run and hide from Him ( just like Adam did in the garden), but if you perceive Him as the lifter of your head, you will run to Him. You’ll experience the embrace of His arms and the look in His eyes as he declares you His delight.
Are there misperceptions about God that you need to clarify? Ask Him, search His word, or ask a trusted mentor who knows exactly who God is just like King David did.
Heavenly Father, allow my view of you to be shaped by our time together. Forgive me for the times I’ve mischaracterized you and ran from your presence. God, you are the lifter of my head. Thank you for your constant grace and mercy in my life. Whenever my circumstances are overwhelming, may I always be reminded that you see the greater picture and that I can rest in your presence.
DAY 15
We're not called to live by human reason. All that matters is obedience to God's Word and his leading in our lives. If God says go, we'll go. If he says stay, we'll stay. When we are in his will, we are in the safest place in the world. —Brother Yun
I don't know about you, but I’m the kind of person who prefers to know the outcome of something before I commit to it. I’m more comfortable when I know exactly what to expect. Honestly, sometimes knowing the outcome in advance will influence my “yes” or “no”. If I lack clarity on all possible outcomes, I’m hesitant to commit. I doubt I’m the only person who tends to function this way, because it’s more of a subconscious process whirling within the depths of my over-thinking mind than a deliberate behavior.
I can’t be the only one.
When someone invites us to an event, what’s our first question? “Who’s going to be there?”
When someone asks us to watch their pets while they’re on vacation, what’s our first question? “How long will you be gone?”
When someone hits us with the dubious, “Can I ask a favor of you?”, we often reply with trepidation and an unenthusiastic “Suuuure...”
Maybe I am the only one.
Honestly, I even do this with God. I feel a nudge in a particular direction, and my first response is to ask for clarity, then more clarity, then abundant clarity. I deliberate and pray, playing out
all sorts of scenarios in my head, all the while spiritualizing my hesitation. What I’m really asking God in those moments is, “What will happen if I [fill in the blank]? What will the outcome be?”
Now, there is wisdom in considering the reasons for and the possible outcomes of something before we commit to it. After all, doesn’t the Bible even instruct us to carefully consider, count the cost, and prepare a plan before we act? Hasty and rash decisions can lead to mistakes and regret. But, when it comes to spiritual matters, and living our lives in accordance with God’s will and good pleasure, there’s something that trumps all contemplation, deliberation and rationalization - obedience.
In John 14:21, Jesus said this: “Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.”
Obedience isn’t merely a sign of submission. It’s so much more! Obedience is the evidence that we truly love and trust God and that our lives are surrendered to His will.
In the book of Jeremiah, God gives the prophet, Jeremiah, strong and specific messages for His people. The nation of Israel, having split into two separate kingdoms after the reign of Solomon (1 Kings 12:16-24), the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, had been living in severe rebellion toward
God for generations. Most of the kings, spiritual leaders and even the people had turned toward idolatry and the worship of false gods. They forgot the Lord their God, the mighty works he had performed among them, and the covenant he had made with them. God routinely sent prophets, Jeremiah being one of them, with messages of warning and correction in an effort to call His people to repentance. But by the time of Jeremiah, the people had continually refused to return to God, and so the message changed to one of impending judgment and eventual exile.
In Jeremiah chapter 7, God instructs Jeremiah once again to deliver a message to his people. Jeremiah 7:1-3 says, “The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: ‘Stand in the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim there this word, and say, Hear the word of the Lord, all you men of Judah who enter these gates to worship the Lord. Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place.”
In the lines that follow between verses 4 and 26, God specifically outlines his grievances against His people, and again warns of His forthcoming wrath for their continual disobedience and unrepentant hearts. Then, He says this to Jeremiah in verse 27: “So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you.”
When I read this passage, I often wonder if it was challenging for Jeremiah to obey God’s direction knowing ahead of time that his efforts would be wasted on his audience. His obedience to God’s instruction regardless of the outcome is both convicting and inspiring. Jeremiah understood the truth that when God asks us to do something, we aren’t responsible for the outcome. We’re accountable for our own obedience. We see this dynamic play out over and over in the Word:
Abraham followed God’s order to take his beloved son Isaac up to Mt. Moriah to be sacrificed — Genesis 22 (If you don’t know that story, spoiler alert — God intervened and spared Isaac.)
Joshua obeyed God’s instructions to march the children of Israel around the walls of Jericho for 6 days in complete silence as part of their attack strategy — Joshua 6 (I’m no expert in battle strategies, but this seems like an odd one.)
Gideon followed God’s directions to reduce the size of his army prior to a battle — Judges 7 (Again, I’m no expert, but I would think you’d want to gather as many soldiers as possible before engaging in a fight.)
I could go on and on! There’s an abundance of stories in the Bible that point to the same challenge — do you trust God enough to obey His word, His directions, His leading, and His commands REGARDLESS of the outcome? The beautiful thing about God is that He’s given us promises to cling to so that our faith, trust and hope can be strengthened when we are facing situations with uncertain outcomes.
Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
No matter how things appear in the moment, we have certainty that if we are living our lives to obey, please and honor God, He’s working everything out for our good. We might not see the fullness of that “good” on this side of heaven, but as believers, we’re not living for the things of this world. Our eyes are set on eternity.
Obedience over outcomes.
Father God, thank you for being a loving, gracious, and good father. Help me to believe, trust, follow and love You more. Give me the strength and courage to obey Your will in all seasons, regardless of the outcome. Let pleasing you be my utmost focus, priority and goal in this life. You alone are worthy. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
DAY 16
My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. —Galatians 2:20
I once heard pastor, author, and founder of A21 Christine Caine say that we should never forget what it was to be lost and what it means to be saved by Jesus Christ. Think about it. What was your life like before you knew Jesus as your Savior? Maybe you are like me and you vividly remember what it was to be lost in this world, lost in sin. Maybe those memories are a little more fuzzy for you. Or maybe you are currently on a journey of discovery. Discovering that you are lost and in need of a Savior. Regardless, every person, when faced with Jesus, must make a choice. Do we choose to stay lost in this world or do we receive the free gift of salvation that Jesus died on the cross to give us? Whichever you choose, the choice is wholly and fully yours.
The religious affiliation of your parents does not get you into heaven. Being raised in the church or sitting in a pew or row week after week does not guarantee your salvation. No! Only one thing gains us the glorious riches of heaven: saying “yes” to Jesus. But that “yes” comes at a price. Singer-songwriter Stefany Gretzinger often says “our ‘yes’ to Jesus won’t cost us much, just everything.” When we say “yes” to Jesus there is an expectation that we are letting go of all the things that once had our yes when we were dead in our sin.
Yet, that is sometimes easier said than done.
The Apostle Paul, the one who wrote the above Scripture passage, often points out that we were once dead in our sin. But God! By His grace alone, when we choose to make Jesus the Lord of our lives, He redeems us to new life. Here and now and for all eternity. However, the transition from death to life is not always easy. So often we struggle to let go of our death baggage as we try to walk in the newness of abundant life. Just like every earthly relationship we have, we also arrive at our relationship with Jesus with baggage. The behaviors, the attitudes, and the inner dialogue that have become a part of who we were when we were dead in our sin. Through our choices, our experiences, and the environments we have lived in we have developed or have even been conditioned to have certain mindsets and actions that Jesus is waiting for us to nail to the cross. Mindsets and actions that were never God’s intention for our lives. These are the indicators of life that is still operating in the death of sin and believing the lies of this world. In this very letter to the Galatian church, Paul does an extraordinary job of letting us know exactly what some of these behaviors and attitudes are:
When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. —Galatians 5:19-21
These are the things we need to nail to the cross when we say “yes” to Jesus. However, these are also the things neatly packed up in our death bags. Things, that if we are honest, we sometimes try to sneak into our new life with Christ. I mean what harm is there in overindulging at the bar occasionally? A little flirtation with your married coworker isn’t really hurting anyone, right? It’s ok to be hostile toward the people who think differently than you and vote differently than you because they are blind and need to know the truth. There is nothing wrong with harboring anger toward the person that wronged you because they don’t deserve your forgiveness. But my friends, don’t be deceived. Not only is this way of thinking not God’s best for our lives, it also keeps us in the bondage of sin. Operating from our flesh. When Jesus went to the cross, He did so that we would let go of the sin that has entangled us for far too long so that we might know the fullness of freedom. So that we would let go of the heartache and trauma that has left us bitter and broken so that He can bring healing. So that we would let go of our pride, our ambition, and our selfish desires to receive the fullness of what He has created us for. Jesus went to the cross so that we would let go of every lie of this world to walk in His truth.
Letting go isn’t always easy but it is absolutely necessary. Saying “yes” to Jesus won’t cost you much, just everything you have and all that you are. Jesus didn’t go to the cross for a part of you. He went to the cross for all of you. He wants you to let go of everything that doesn’t honor Him, everything that draws you away from Him, everything that gives the enemy a stronghold in your life. The reason we should always remember what it was to be lost is because it should be just that, a memory. Who we were when we were lost should not be our reality now that we are the disciples of Jesus, sons and daughters of the Most High God. We have nailed it all to the cross with Jesus, no longer living for ourselves but now living for Him. Maybe there is something you need to nail to the cross today. Jesus is longing for you to let it go.
Today Jesus I want to let go of any part of my life that is not of You. I lay down my whole life in total surrender to You. To be sourced by Spirit. To live in the fullness of the freedom that You died to give me. Holy Spirit, source me and sanctify me. As I pursue holiness, may You empower me to become more and more Christ-like. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
DAY 17
My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. —Proverbs 2:1-6
If you have ever heard me preach over a period of time you have probably heard me say that if I wasn’t a pastor in ministry, I would be a treasure hunter. I know you might be laughing at me right now, but it’s true. I would get a boat, travel the Caribbean looking for old Spanish and pirate shipwrecks and dive them all looking for treasure. No, seriously I could spend all day, every day doing that. It sounds like a total adventure.
I have tried to raise my kids to love adventure. My family and I have long enjoyed getting away to some tropical paradise for vacation each year. I usually find some new experience or adventure to take us on. One of the places we have frequented, because it is easier and cheaper than heading to the Caribbean, is southwest Florida. What you might not know is that three times in Florida’s history it has been fully covered with sea water. This is why people can find prehistoric shark teeth in many of the rivers in Southwest Florida. From Venice to Englewood along the western coast and from there inland to the middle of the state, you can find prehistoric shark teeth. And not just the normal sharks but the biggest of them all, the Megalodon. People spend hours on excursions digging in the rivers, combing the beaches, diving the ancient riverbed about 200 yards off the coast looking for these treasured teeth. My family has done all of these.
For those of you not aware, Megalodons are an extinct species of shark that once grew up to 60 feet long, almost three times longer than the largest recorded Great White Shark. Meg teeth actually
have some monetary value but are not that easy to find. You have to know where to look and have a little luck, even then they are elusive. My boys and I could go to Manasota beach any day of the week and have close to a hundred shark’s teeth of different varieties in just an hour or two of sifting sand. We have also dug in the rivers and found fragments of large megs but never a whole tooth. Then one day I saw an ad posted to a bulletin board in a store. The ad was for Bone Valley Fossil Farm. A few years back a farmer dug down to the fossil layer of earth on his farm and discovered all kinds of prehistoric fossils and teeth. For a fee you can visit Bone Valley fossil farm and wash dirt. When I was reading about this I was thinking to myself, this sounds amazing, who wouldn’t want to wash dirt!
I called, booked it, then told the family we were going after Meg teeth. Adventure hunting here we come. Basically, the farmer takes his end loader and scoops a load of dirt out of the fossil layer and brings it to you and dumps it at one of the hose sites where you then slowly and carefully begin to wash through the dirt, layer by layer. Whatever you find, you can keep. We had gone through about 4 loads of dirt by 1:00pm and found some beautiful prehistoric shark’s teeth and some small fragments of Megs but no whole tooth yet. By this time, I think the adventure had worn out its welcome for Holly and Maddox who were sitting in camping chairs under a sun umbrella by the car, drinking Cokes and snacking. Hudson and I were still in it, dirty, muddy, washing carefully, looking, searching, seeking, anticipating.
Hudson had been working through his end of the pile for quite some time when Maddox, who I’m sure was bored out of his mind, made his way over. Within seconds, Maddox, seeing the tip of something sticking up out of the dirt, reaches down into Hudson’s pile and says “what’s this” and pulls out a three and a half inch complete pristine Meg tooth. We did it! We sought out the treasure and we found
it! We were all excited except for Hudson, who couldn’t believe Maddox found the treasure he was just centimeters away from finding.
Proverbs 2 tells us that if we diligently seek the wisdom, understanding, and insight of the Lord, we will discover the profound knowledge of God. This pursuit leads us to a deep and intimate relationship with the Father, allowing us to grasp the richness of His wisdom and draw closer to Him. The real treasure is God Himself. The real adventure comes when we choose to lay aside our human wisdom and understanding and begin to search and seek out His. Oh, the revelations one will gain, when we cry out to our Omniscient God for insight and understanding.
In what areas of your life do you urgently need God's insight, wisdom, and understanding? Have you tried asking for His guidance and revelation? Scripture is clear in Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Spend several minutes praying Proverbs 2:1-6 back to the Lord asking Him for His wisdom, insight, understanding, and knowledge for every challenging situation you are facing. Listen carefully, He wants to speak and bring you revelation!
DAY 18
An unusual commitment to prayer will lead to unusual results from prayer. —Steven Shackelford
There is more power in prayer than we realize. Prayer is the arena where our faith meets God’s abilities. And there is never going to be a moment when the audacity of our faith surpasses God’s capacity to respond. Prayer is the greatest tool in building your faith! It also is the key to unlocking the greatest levels of intimacy with the Father.
There are many men and women throughout scripture that we could talk about when it comes to prayer and faith. But one of my favorite people is Joshua. Joshua was the leader who had to follow Moses. This is intimidating in and of itself. Sure, Moses had his flaws as we all do, but he was also the great leader who led his people out of Egyptian bondage with God’s miraculous help. Moses would lift his staff and plagues would hit Egypt, oceans would part, water would flow from rocks and so on — I think you get the picture. The key to Moses’ success and power was his prayer life.
Scripture says in Exodus 33:11, “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.” Can you even imagine the conversations Moses had with God... incredible. But it’s the second part of that verse that always captures my attention. The part about Joshua. Now Joshua was Moses’ protege, or apprentice, or padawan, whichever title you can relate to most. Scripture says that Joshua would remain at the tent even after Moses left. The big question we need to be asking is why. Why did Joshua remain? This is my theory, scripture doesn’t specifically say this, but my theory is that Joshua remained because he longed for greater intimacy with God. There is no doubt in my mind that Joshua could overhear the conversations God was having with Moses. He knew that intimacy with God was the key in order to know God’s heart, will, and desires for His people. He knew that being in God’s presence and conversing with Him brought such joy, peace and direction to the whole nation of Israel. I believe Joshua’s hunger for intimacy with God grew in this season and stayed behind even after Moses left in order to position himself to grow closer in intimacy with the Lord. I also believe that Joshua stayed because he began having his own conversations with the Lord.
It was this intimacy through prayer and conversation with God that gave Joshua and his friend Caleb the faith to say let’s go and take the promised land, even after the other ten spies disagreed and caused all of Israel to doubt God’s faithfulness and direction (see Numbers 13). Four decades later, it would be Joshua who would lead Israel across the Jordan to finally receive the promised land that God would have given them all those years ago if they just would have had the faith to take it.
After the Lord called Moses home and Joshua took command, it was time once again for the next generation to exercise faith and step into the promised land. It was Joshua’s job to clear the land. This meant he would have to follow God closely and lead his people through years of war. As you read through the book of Joshua, you see not only Joshua’s dependence and faith in God, but you see God’s faithfulness to Joshua. This intimacy they had together wasn’t built overnight. This was intimacy that was built decades ago when Joshua would remain at the tent to talk with the Lord. Joshua had an unusual commitment to prayer, to intimacy and to his friendship with God, which led to all of Israel experiencing the mighty movement and acts of God on their behalf.
You see, prayer is the furnace of intimacy. Intimacy is the furnace of faith. Faith is the furnace of friendship with God. Scripture is clear about what happens when we don’t operate in faith.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. —Hebrews 11:6
We can’t please God without faith. But what causes us to operate in supernatural faith all starts with building intimacy through prayer, just like Joshua did.
It starts with carving out a time and place to meet with God in prayer every day. I’m not talking about giving God a five minute time slot. I’m talking about wrapping your life around Him. Making Him the center every day, in all you do. Building any relationship takes time. It’s no different with the Lord. If you have never established a daily consistent time in prayer with the Lord, start with a 30 minute time block. What you are going to find out as you begin to spend time in prayer is that 30 minutes isn’t going to be enough.
There are all kinds of models and formats when you pray to keep you on task but here is a simple one to get you started:
Start with prayers of Thanksgiving and Worship. Thank the Lord for the blessings in your life, for the things He has done and for who He is. Praying the psalms really helps develop this and allows God’s promises to take root in your heart.
Confession and Repentance. Asking the Lord to search your heart daily and reveal anything that might be hindering your intimacy with Him is such a good practice and habit to form in your
life. I call this keeping a “short list”. GIving God permission to hold you accountable each day is a game changer. What’s really special is you begin to understand His amazing grace and His incredible mercy toward you.Provision and Direction. As you begin understanding that you need God in every aspect of your life you now begin to pray for the needs you have and the areas or challenges you need God’s provision and direction in.
Intercession. This is just a fancy word that means standing in the gap on someone else’s behalf. Basically your prayers for others. You take some time to pray for your family, friends, co-workers,
those whom you know also need God’s intervention in their lives.
Listen. 90% of prayer should be listening. What God has to say is so much more important than what I feel like I need to say. Hearing one word from the Lord can change everything in your life. Practice spending time just listening for His voice.
You’ll find just praying through these five areas will easily take you 30 minutes and probably much more. Through your daily times
in prayer, your intimacy will increase and your ability to live and operate in faith will increase. And you will begin to experience the immeasurable possibilities of prayer.
Lord Jesus, thank you for desiring to spend time with me. I want to spend time with You. Show me what I need to adjust or even do away with so that I can schedule a consistent daily time with You. As I begin this journey, I pray I begin to see the results of being with You immediately. Give me ears to hear and a heart that desires to honor you in all areas of my life. Amen!
DAY 19
Looking Above the Enemy
Conflict has the capacity to divert our attention if we’re not consistently seeking God’s presence. I’ve often said that adversity reveals who or what we trust in. While David was amid peril and persecution, he asked: “...whom shall I fear and whom shall I dread” (Psalm 27:1). His questions were not stated in arrogance but in confidence, because he had already determined that the Lord was his light and defense. Because of that reality, in God there was nothing nor anyone that he needed to fear.
He continued, “When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though a host encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident” (Psalm 27:3-4). Again, David’s confidence never wavered regardless of the challengers who came against him: evildoers, adversaries, enemies, and even a host. They were coming not only to wage war against him, but to devour David’s flesh. This defined their intent to destroy him.
Perhaps you feel as if evil doers have taken their stance against you. Maybe you believe the enemy has encamped against you, your family, your business, or your church. That is, of course, the nature of the enemy. The Bible says he comes to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10). The word destroy (opollumi) would be the closest approximation to devouring our flesh.
Moreover, we know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, meaning that difficult people are not the real problem we face. Our struggle is “against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). The demonic realm has taken a stand against the people of God.
The striking aspect about David in this Psalm is that he didn’t pray against his foes. He didn’t ask for relief or protection from their threats like many of us would have. Surround us with the enemy and listen to how we might pray; it might be rather revealing. David, on the other hand, sought something entirely different than relief from his surrounding foes. David sought for a greater place of intimacy with the Lord.
“One thing” he sought of the Lord, and that one thing he asked was to dwell with the Lord and seek His beauty (Psalm 27:4). That one thing was repeated by Mary when she chose to sit at Jesus’ feet instead of becoming overwhelmed by the distractions surrounding her (Luke 10:39-42). David discovered something about spiritual warfare that remains a lesson for all believers in this hour, and that is the greatest strategy of spiritual warfare is not chasing the enemy but chasing the presence of the Lord.
If the enemy can entice our attention away from the Lord, then we’ve already lost the battle. We cannot allow an inferior reality such as the devil to preoccupy our focus on the Lord. I love the response that Elisha gave his servant when the Arameans surrounded his city. Elisha gave no concern for the threat of their army of horses and chariots. He simply said to his servant, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16).
David was certain that if he could dwell in the presence of the Lord, then it wouldn’t matter who encamped against him because it would only be a matter of time before they would stumble and fall. There is no greater place of safety for you than in the presence of the Lord.
I hope that you will discover the blessed rest that comes through intimacy. The forces of evil will do everything possible to draw us into a conflict without the help and cover of the Lord. David, however, set his eyes to look upon the beauty of the Lord and not the disaster that surrounded him.
Intimacy gives us a perspective that we wouldn’t otherwise have. I once heard a minister contrast the difference in perspective between a turtle and a giraffe. To the turtle, everything looks big and intimidating. A turtle cannot see beyond the immediate circumstances that it’s in, but a giraffe has a different perspective. A giraffe can see beyond, even above, its circumstances. From a giraffe’s point of view, the turtle’s concerns would not be the giraffe’s concerns because of its perspective.
Out of David’s posture of intimacy he said, “And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me” (Psalm 27:6). David looked above and beyond the enemies that were around him as if to say, “they are no big deal from my vantage point.”
When you’ve found your dwelling place in the Lord, you’ll be empowered to look above the darkness that surrounds you. His presence will overshadow the misery and stench of the enemy. Additionally, the ability to bring transformation will come not by looking at the threatening circumstances around you, but by seeing the manifest presence of Jesus in front of you. Intimacy gives you the eyes to see past the enemy’s threats so that you can see the Lord’s promises.
Finally, from a place of intimacy with the Lord, David was able to say, “I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord” (Psalm 27:6). David didn’t utter complaints unto the Lord. He didn’t grumble or complain about the surrounding evil that desired to devour his flesh. Rather, David, with a new perspective, sang praises to God amid war and conflict. Praise during adversity demonstrates our ability to trust God over all situations that may be confronting us.
Worship unto God is the inevitable out-spill of a life of intimacy with Him. Worship shapes us to look beyond the immediate and to hunger for the ultimate. David was enabled to sing praises to God because he believed that he would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). His posture of intimacy forged within him a passion to look past evil circumstances around him and to discover the beautiful presence of God. So, are you living under your circumstances or are you above them?
Jesus, may you alone capture my attention no matter what comes against me. Empower me to give praise even when the enemy comes to destroy my life.
DAY 20
“Any process of change requires a form of dying” —Casey Tygrett
Can we start today by taking inventory of our lives for just a minute?
We’re going to focus on the idea of change, so take a minute and think about the following...
How long have I lived in the same routine, good or bad?
When was the last time I longed to see change in my life?
When was the last time I felt stirred to see change in the world
around me?
When was the last time that I asked God, “What do YOU want me to do differently?”
Finally... am I ready for a new season of change?
The fact of the matter is that without change, we become stagnant. The Church of Laodicea serves as a powerful example. Jesus said to them in Revelation 3:15-16, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.” They had lost their purpose and effectiveness, becoming complacent in their spiritual lives. Their condition is a warning to us about the dangers of remaining stagnant for too long. If we do, we become lifeless, purposeless, just barely getting by—and often, we don’t even realize it. By the time we fall into the pit, the dirt is too high to see what we’re missing outside. And it will take significant effort to get out, but the good news is that it is still possible to make the changes necessary to live a better way.
There is a principle or discipline that I have lived by this past year, one that I believe God has taught me not just for this season, but as a new way of living. I’d love to share it with you. It’s called The Practice of Change.
Drastic change only occurs over time, but is the direct result of daily intentional, incremental changes in our disciplines. This is the practice of change. Life doesn’t operate by the old “Go Big or Go Home” mentality, but rather a “Dream Big and Get Started” mindset. I believe this type of intentional living honors God and propels us into living the life he has designed us for. And I also believe that God honors our intentionality. But where does it all start? It starts when we realize that we’re not living the life God intended for us. More than that, when that realization becomes a rooted discontent that is unshakable, we find that we have to DO something about it. This usually happens at a “breaking point” where we find our life tiresome, repetitive, and void of actual living.
We can also get to this point intentionally. How? By living life at the feet of Jesus. When we live from the presence, from the place where our hearts cry is a blend of “Search me, oh God” and “Break my heart for what breaks Yours,” we will find ourselves at the intersection of His desire for us and the reality of our current state. It’s at this place that the practice of change becomes so important. As He reveals the gap between His will and ours, it beckons us to change. And if He wills, there is a way. This is where the biblical principle of “dying to self” becomes real for most people - where we can no longer remain where we are but long for His life more than our own.
Paul echoes this sentiment in Philippians 2:12 where he writes, “So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” This isn’t a call to live in anxiety, but a recognition of the weight of the life God calls us to—a life that requires constant growth and change, always moving closer to His will.
So where do we start? Now that we know there is more, now that the unshakable discontentment has taken root, how do we utilize it? We dream, we ask God to help us see the bigger picture, and we begin to partner with Him in walking it out.
What does it look like practically? Let me share a bit of my story with you. As 2024 rolled around, I was in the midst of one of the best seasons of my life. My relationship with God was good, my family was healthy, my job was everything I’d always dreamed of, but for some reason, I felt like there was so much more... As I began to pray and ask God what was feeling so off, He so graciously revealed to me that I was not living the life He called me to. He longed for more for me and more from me. While my spiritual health was good, it was not great; while my family was healthy, there were things missing; and while I loved ministry, I began to feel a new ache in me for greater depth in relationships that spur life transformation. And on top of all that, I had come to the realization that I was the least healthy physically I’d ever been.
I felt that the first change God was calling me to was to take physical care of my body, and as I began to commit to it, He continued to move. One of our young adults who worked as a physical trainer partnered with some of our staff to get us started taking care of our health more effectively. This small “yes” became a daily habit and pursuit, and the results have been dramatic. While I have much more work to do, the commitment to pursuing health also pushed me deeper spiritually, gave me greater drive to live intentionally with my family, and fueled my desire to partner with others. That was the beginning of many more intentional changes, including a new routine for spiritual discipline, intentional time praying for the hearts of people in my close community, and planning a Bible study geared toward some of my friends across the country who are beginning their faith journey.
What God does with our commitment to change is only limited by our discipline to pursue it. So ask yourself today, what little change does God want to initiate in you, that might snowball into not just a changed life, but a life of change that impacts those around you as well? Maybe it’s launching a small group, or taking care of yourself, or dedicating a season to listening. The list could go on, but what matters is that you start somewhere. Remember, change is hard, but it’s worth it.
Take some time to read over the questions from the intro to this devotional and take them to the Lord in prayer. This may be best used as a time of journaling prayer as you ask the Lord to stir up change in you.
DAY 21
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. —Colossians 4:6
Earlier this year, the Lord gave me this scripture with great clarity of when and where to use it. I had been newly appointed to the Warren Woods Public School Board a few months earlier and was excited for the opportunity of greater leadership and contribution to my community. My kids had all finished high school, and my husband is a teacher, so I’ve been around our school district for more than 20 years. When a position on the school board came up unexpectedly, my prayer was “Lord, if this is where you want me, you’ll need to make a way”. And He did. I have loved working alongside the administrators, and other board members and teachers. The world can be a dark place, and that’s why believers need to be the light.
In my quiet time with the Lord one morning, the scripture in Colossians jumped out at me. It is my heart's desire to have my conversations be “full of grace, seasoned with salt” so that I could “know how to answer everyone.” Paul wrote this while he was in prison. He was sending the Colossians a letter with specific instructions on practical theology for day-to-day living. In the previous chapters, Paul addresses the supremacy of Christ, warnings against false teaching and Christian conduct. Right at the end, in chapter 4, my Bible has the heading “Further Instructions” and it begins with verse 2: “Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which
I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (emphasis mine). I love that Paul spends the majority of the book of Colossians talking about the Christian life, but at the end gives the charge to the people of how they should interact with those that don’t know Jesus.
Is our conversation with non-believers full of grace? I love that Paul lists that first, because we will often turn people away to the rest of what we’re saying if we aren’t initially full of grace. And then seasoned with salt - because everything is better with a little seasoning, right? The last half of the verse is the kicker “so that you may know how to answer everyone”. We aren’t meant to have gracious conversations just to be kind, but to point people towards Jesus.
I’ve made it a practice to sit in my car when I’m in the parking lot for a school board meeting and recite Colossians 4:6 before I go in. I am well aware that the Lord has given me this opportunity to influence, and I want to honor Him well. When I walk in, I want my conversation with others to be full of grace and seasoned with salt so that I know how to answer people. It has started with school board meetings, but the Lord has shown me so many other places to implement the same practice. I would bet the Lord will show you how to implement the same thing. Be gracious, season your words with salt and point people to Jesus.
Jesus, I want to be a light in this dark world. Please open my eyes to the opportunities you’ve given me to influence, to love, and to share you with those around me. Keep my heart aligned with Yours so that my words and actions are a direct reflection of You. Thank you for Your goodness to me, amen.
DAY 22
Don’t be so earthly focused that we become heavenly shortsighted. —Jen Smale
I love this quote from my friend Jen Smale. It’s a powerful reminder and a caution for all of us who follow Christ. The struggle is real—if we haven't learned to truly abide in Christ, it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters. Abiding means starting our day with Him, setting aside a specific time and place to meet with Him, listening for the Holy Spirit's guidance, and filling our hearts with His Word and promises, then obediently living out the life God has called us too. Without this daily intentional rhythm, we quickly become distracted by the things of this world. In a world where everything seems to be vying for our attention, it’s all too easy to become heavenly shortsighted.
Several years ago when I was still a youth pastor, we took 80 students on a Michigan summer road trip. This was a spiritual formation trip with a lot of fun experiences mixed in. On one of the days we had decided to hike the 10-mile trail called Chapel Loop along Pictured Rocks in the Upper Peninsula. This was a spectacular trail walking along several of the 300 foot cliffs surrounding Lake Superior.
That day, in order to keep better track of our teenagers and get everyone through the trail in our set timeframe, I divided the students and leaders up into smaller groups. My group was having a blast hiking and laughing and throwing sticks off the cliffs, watching them plummet 300 feet into the lake with an amazing splash. OK, they weren’t sticks, they were full blown logs, fallen trees. We figured we were just helping to create future driftwood. It was cool. About two thirds of the way through our hike I noticed that one of the students in our group kept lagging behind. Now this was a great kid who was always honoring, always polite. It just didn’t make sense that he wasn’t following directions and keeping up. The terrain we were hiking wasn’t hard terrain. I just couldn’t figure out why he kept lagging behind. After several times of stopping, waiting for him and asking him to pick up the pace, I was getting frustrated. Finally I said, let me carry your backpack for you, thinking this might help. When I went to pick up his backpack it must have weighed 50lbs. I asked him what in the world was in here. He unzipped his backpack to reveal that he had been collecting rocks along the way. Some people collect baseball cards, some collect coins, others collect their favorite sports teams memorabilia. This young man collected rocks! Literally rocks!
In my frustration I made this young man dump out all his rocks. I said he could keep one, the rest were no more, and once again he was going to carry his own backpack and keep up. I’m glad this incident didn’t scar him for life, as it turns out he became a pastor. Like I said, he was a great kid!
This is exactly what happens to all of us when we become focused on the things of this world. We become weighed down, tired, slow, joyless, anxious, and highly hindered from completing our journey. Whether we are focused on making more money, becoming more successful, climbing the corporate ladder or focused on issues or challenges that are causing us great anxiety, whenever we focus on the world or the things of this world we will become heavenly shortsighted. What we focus on really matters.
In fact when our focus is on worldly things, we tend to sink and sink fast. There is a story in scripture involving Peter that will drive this idea home for us. It’s found in Matthew 14:22-33.
Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
Peter did something no other human being had ever done besides Jesus — walk on water! Pretty incredible! And Peter was doing a great job until verse 30 when scripture says that Peter took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind, the waves, and the storm that was happening all around him, and he began to immediately sink.
It’s not any different for us. As soon as we take our eyes off of Jesus, it’s like collecting rocks. We might be able to make it work short term, but it won’t be long until we begin to sink and feel like we are drowning. The only way to prevent this is to stay focused on the Lord. The Bible has a lot to say about the idea of keeping our eyes focused on God.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. —Hebrews 12:1-2
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. —Colossians 3:2
Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. —Proverbs 4:25-27
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.—Isaiah 26:3
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. —Matthew 6:33
I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. —Psalm 119:15
All these scriptures along with many more talk about where our focus should be. Take a few minutes in your prayer time this morning or write in your prayer journal and ask the Lord if there are areas of your life where you have been picking up rocks and carrying extra weight because you have allowed yourself to focus on the wrong things.
Lord Jesus, reveal to me any areas of my life where I have taken my eyes off You. If and when you reveal anything, I will repent immediately and make the necessary changes in my life so that my focus will always be on You. Amen.
DAY 23
“What was your mindset?” It’s probably one of the most common questions a reporter might ask someone. Whether it’s an athlete who made a spectacular comeback in the championship game, or a survivor who overcame tremendous odds to get through a disaster. We want to know the thought process that guided their decisions and determined their belief in what could be.
The truth is, in each and every situation, we carry with us a mindset. Whether it’s determining your calendar, interacting with your family, setting goals, or even attending church. We carry with us a set of beliefs that determine our trajectory.
Go ahead, ask yourself what your mindset is for the upcoming day. Actually pause here for a moment and answer the question sincerely. Unless you are a “super Christian”, we are usually prone to think of our own personal success and how we can do our best. It’s just our natural flesh taking over. That natural mindset might not even be bad, and I’d bet you had some pretty good and productive thoughts. But let’s ask ourselves an even better question. What does God want your mindset to be today? Actually pause here for a moment and answer the question sincerely. (Congrats, you are on your way to becoming a super Christian!)
Were your thoughts similar, or did you find yourself thinking of yourself less and others more? Were you convicted by the discrepancy between the two answers?
Paul writes in Philippians 2 that if our faith means anything at all, if it has any real value, or any genuine evidence that the Spirit Is actually in us (pastor Matt’s paraphrase, (Phil. 2:1-4), then we should all have the same mindset. In other words, in order for us to follow Christ, our mindsets can’t be about us, but they need to be about one another first.
In Philippians 2:5 he writes, In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. I may not know what your mindset is, but I do know what it should be! It should be the exact, same, replicated mindset of Jesus himself! What was his mindset exactly? Paul gives us a beautiful description in Philippians 2:6-8:
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing, by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death — even death on a cross!
According to Paul what does it look like to have the mindset of Jesus?
Not looking to gain his own advantage
A servant
Submissive obedience to the Father
This is the mindset to be replicated as we go through our day! If
you think about it, those pro-athletes and survivors probably didn’t come up with a new mindset on the spot. When pressed in tough circumstances, the mindset they have built over time just came out. Today, train yourself to have the mind of Christ! One last time, think about your day and the mindset you will take with you.PRAYER
Jesus, forgive me for thinking of myself first, for justifying my selfish outlook, and neglecting to be a servant. Thank you for being the perfect example of the way I should think. Holy Spirit, empower
me to model my life after the humble mindset of Jesus. Show me specifically how I can put others before myself today. Amen.
DAY 24
The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” —John 1:29
Have you ever noticed how, when two friends are deeply engaged in conversation, they often begin to mimic each other's movements and expressions? One crosses their right leg over their left, and a few moments later, the other does the same. One person leans forward, eyes wide with excitement while sharing a thrilling story, and the other soon mirrors the same posture, becoming just as animated. This phenomenon, known as "mirroring," happens almost unconsciously. The more we look at someone, the more we start to reflect their gestures, expressions, and even their tone. It’s as if, without realizing it, we absorb a piece of them into ourselves—copy, paste. What we gaze upon consistently shapes us, molding us in ways we may not even notice at first.
Imagine if we mirrored Jesus in the same way we do with others. When He goes, we go. When He stays, we stay. If His heart overflows with love for our neighbors, our hearts naturally follow suit. As He despises injustice and stands against evil, we also find ourselves moved to take a stand. As He is holy, we too are drawn toward holiness. And the beauty of it all is that we don't have to wonder if Jesus embodies these virtues—He absolutely does. Every thought, word, and action of His is the perfect example of what it means to live in complete surrender to God. This kind of surrender is what you and I are called to walk in. We are called to mirror Christ. If we don’t, how are we supposed to be a reflection and extension of his love to a broken and lost world?
Unfortunately, when most people approach the idea of Christlikeness, they often feel discouraged by their human limitations, believing they are bound to sin and forever fall short of the way God calls us to live. However, the truth is that we who are in Christ are no longer slaves to sin. Rather, we are free from its power. As Paul reminds us in Romans 6:18, "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness." This freedom means that it is not only possible to become like Jesus in the way we live, but
it is also our calling as children of God. We are no longer held back by the chains of our past failures or sinful nature because through Christ, we have been given a new nature—a new life! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us, empowering us to walk in holiness and righteousness. Therefore, becoming like Jesus isn't about striving in our own strength but about submitting to his Spirit, who works within us to make us like Christ.
So, when you wonder, “How can I truly become like Jesus? How can I honor God by living a life that is holy and set apart? How do I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength, and extend that love to my neighbors?” remember that the journey begins not with our efforts but with our focus. Although the path toward becoming like Jesus can seem difficult, thankfully, the answer is simple: Look at Jesus! Fix your eyes on him, and let His beauty, His character, and His ways captivate your heart and mind. Remember, we become like the person or thing we behold. The greatest way to behold Christ is through the rhythm of prayer. In prayer, we clear away the noise and distractions of the world, remove the obstacles that fog up our vision, and fix our gaze solely on the Lord. It is in these sacred moments that we are transformed more and more into His likeness. When we intentionally create space to gaze upon Jesus, we can’t help but reflect His character and heart. Prayer, along with worship and reading His Word, allows us to know Jesus deeper, and through that growing relationship, we are continually conformed into His image.
For me, this time of prayer often begins with a simple yet powerful request: “Jesus, would you make me more like You? Make me holy and blameless before You. As I spend time with You, eyes locked with Yours, align my heart with Yours!” As I ask these things, I find that my heart becomes more open and receptive to His transformative work. I have also found great power in praying scripture within the theme of becoming like Jesus, aligning my desires with the words of God. Here are some of the passages I often turn to:
Ephesians 1:15-23 — A prayer for wisdom and revelation to know Jesus more
Matthew 22:37-39 — Jesus’ call to love the Lord and others
1 Peter 1:15-16 — A call to holiness, as God who called us is holy
2 Corinthians 3:18 — A reminder that we are being transformed
into God’s image
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 — A prayer for God to sanctify us
Ultimately, if we are to become like Christ, we need to behold Him. It is in this place of beholding God that we are truly transformed. As we passionately pursue His presence, the Spirit of God begins to chip away at the things in our lives that don’t glorify Him. As we seek Him with all our hearts, we find that His image begins to reflect in us more clearly, and His character becomes evident in our lives. What an honor it is to carry and reflect the love of God! May we never grow weary of seeking His face, knowing that with every moment spent in His presence, we are being made more like Him— holy, pure, and filled with His perfect love. Let us say “yes” to John the Baptist’s call, to “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)
Lord, I come before You with a humble heart, asking that You would mold me and shape me to be more like You. I surrender my thoughts, my desires, and my will to You, choosing not to fix my eyes on the fleeting things of this world, but on You. As I gaze upon You, I trust that You will purify my heart and mind, cleansing me from all that does not reflect Your character. Draw me closer to You with every moment, and let my life be a mirror that reflects Your love, grace, and truth to those around me. Help me, Lord, to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to extend that love to my neighbors in every interaction. May the power of Your Spirit work powerfully within me, enabling me to live a life that honors You in every way. Fill me with Your love, that it might overflow to those I encounter. Make me holy, Lord, as You are holy. Set me apart for Your purposes and guide my steps so that I may walk in Your ways. I believe with all of my heart that You are faithful. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
DAY 25
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. —Maya Angelou
My husband often says, “Why do we wait for people to die to eulogize them? Why don’t we tell the people we love how they have impacted our lives now, while they are with us?” I think those are great questions. Why do we wait? Haven’t you ever wondered about the impression you have made upon people’s lives? I know I have. In fact these questions have left me to occasionally wonder, “if someone had to write my eulogy tomorrow what would they say about me?” Is that a morbid thought? Possibly, but in full transparency I have thought about the handprint I am leaving on this world. I read a book this past year that challenged me to evaluate my life and how I am choosing to live it. Who am I becoming? What will my legacy be rooted in?
I have always found Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount to be some of the most impactful nuggets of wisdom He imparts upon us. So often when we read Scripture,Jesus has us digging beneath the surface to find the pile of gold and the Sermon on the Mount is a virtual jackpot. The teaching I have always been most drawn to is Jesus’ declaration that we, as His followers, are to be both salt and light in our world (Matthew 5:13-16). For us, in our modern context, we think of salt first and foremost as a means to add flavor to our food. However for Jesus, living in the ancient world, salt was, first and foremost, an agent of preservation. When Jesus calls us to be the “salt of the earth” what He is actually declaring is that as His followers we will preserve His presence here on earth long after His physical body is gone. Then Jesus, who was Himself the Light of the world, declares that we are now to be the light of the world. He transfers His title onto all of His followers. This reminds us that while Jesus was on earth, He was the visible representation of the Father and NOW we are the visible representatives of the Son.
When I think of preserving Jesus' presence in this world, I cannot help but consider how people felt when they were with Jesus. If you search the Gospels, what you will find is that the hopeless were filled with hope, the marginalized found their worth, the misfits connected to community, the sick and lame were treated with compassion, the outcasts were welcomed to the table, the unlovable received much love, and the broken were given a tremendous amount of grace. People heard truth spoken in love and received correction without condemnation. This was how Jesus shined the Light of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. He made His Father known in the words He spoke and the way in which He treated people.
Therefore, if we are to be the salt that preserves Jesus' presence here on earth and the light that shines the evidence that Jesus is still very much active in our world today, should our handprint not look like the handprint of our Savior? Shouldn’t people encounter Jesus when they encounter us? Shouldn’t we be transformed into looking more and more like Jesus? The above quote by the late poetess Maya Angelou is one that I often share when I officiate funerals, in particular for people who have clearly evidenced Jesus in the way they lived their lives. You see at the end of the day more than the exact words we say or the exact things we do, what people will remember most is how it all made them feel. This begs the question...when people are with us..when they are with you, when they are with they experience Jesus? If we are following Him they should. If we are living in obedience to Jesus’ command to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, our handprint and Jesus’ handprint should become one. In our presence people should experience love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness (you see :) where I am going with this) because these are fruits of Jesus’ presence produced by His Spirit.
I’m not sure where you are today but I know that when my days on this earth are over, I want the handprint I leave behind to have Jesus all over it. I want to be known as someone who cared deeply, listened intently, spoke truth boldly, offered grace quickly, forgave completely, served selflessly, lived righteously, and loved unconditionally so that others could see and feel Jesus. I want Him to be the star of my life story, not me. My prayer is that as we all journey with Jesus that we would all choose to become more and more like Him every day. Allowing His Holy Spirit to source our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions. Recognizing that in all things Jesus must become more and we must become less so that the handprint of His presence and His Light remains firmly in this world. How awesome it is to know that we get to be a small piece of His story? That’s a handprint worth living for.
Dear Jesus, may our lives be moving toward becoming more and more like You. May we be so devoted to You, following You so closely that when people encounter us they truly encounter You. The desire of our hearts is to see You glorified, to see Your light shine, to see Your presence reign in the lives we touch. May our handprint and our legacies be firmly rooted in You. Bringing glory to You and You alone. In Your name we pray, Amen!
Recently, in a sermon, I accidentally exclaimed, “I’m praying through five nightmares right now.” In the moment, it was a confession that I wished I could put back in my mouth. It felt a little too vulnerable. Yet, I said it, and it was true. In my prayer journal, I had numbered five challenging situations that I began to systematically bring before God. In my prayer journal, I called them my five nightmares.
I have found that personal pain is my ticket to authentic prayer. You see, It is my natural inclination to write or quote something trite and simplistic to God in prayer. Yet, I find that when I pray that way, over time I become distant from God. Why is that, you may ask? The answer is simple. I’m not being honest with God. In my lack of transparency, my prayer life slips into a mandatory spiritual assignment that I begrudgingly participate in. However, when I take the most painful things in my life to God and place them in His hand, I grow closer to Him.
I have a confession: I often possess disappointment in God when I face pain. I know that’s wrong. I know that Jesus told us we would face trouble. Paul tells us to endure suffering. James tells us to consider pure joy when we face trials, but I hate pain. I’m always tempted to be mad at God when I face pain. The only way for me to have affection for God instead of anger at God is to pray through my pain, to pray through my nightmares.
In Luke 22:42, Jesus brings His pain to His Father before He goes to the cross. He requests another way. He knows the impending pain in front of Him. Jesus prays, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” An angel strengthened Him as He sweated drops of blood.
In my spiritual journey, I find myself saying to God, “not my will, but yours be done” over and over. How many times do I have to have circumstances turn out differently than I had hoped? How many times do I have to come back to God and submit my life to Him recognizing that He is God and I trust Him? It’s not occasional. It’s near daily. My wife, Renata, always says this to me, “this isn’t heaven yet.” In her words she is reminding me that we live in a fallen world. One day, all will be right. For now, we stay close to God and trust Him through the pain. One day, every tear will be wiped away. But, for now, the way to feel less pain is actually to draw close to God and trust Him in the pain. When I’m close to Him, I can believe that He is at work in the pain. When I’m close, I have confidence that He will bring me through the pain. However, when I’m far from Him in the pain, I’m angry at Him for creating a world where I experience this much pain.
Recently, I challenged Radiant Church to 21 days of prayer where we spent time with Jesus daily. However, I threw in a challenge to a digital detox and step away from entertainment on screens. During those days, I found that most of us numb our pain with distraction. We entertain ourselves with conversations, news, sports, shopping, shows and movies to a level that we avoid our pain. We distract ourselves so that we don’t face our pain. During that digital detox, I had more time to pray and found myself praying through my pain, my nightmares.
Today, some of those nightmares have turned into testimonies of God’s faithfulness. God was at work in nightmarish circumstances and today I can celebrate His goodness in what seemed like impossible pain only months ago. Of course, that’s easy to say on this side of the nightmare. However, your current nightmare may be your future victory story.
How can you pray through your nightmares? Here are a few steps.
Write down what’s causing you pain. Number them. Name them. Name each one so that you can quickly whisper it to God during your day. I like to shorten the challenging circumstance to just one word. That way, I can whisper it to God all day long. I’ll whisper it when I drive, clean, or even walk through the parking lot.
Whisper your prayer to God even if the nightmare is getting darker. I like to whisper out loud or write my prayers in a journal. If it’s just a thought in my mind, it’s easier to get lost with all my other thoughts.
Obey any ideas that come to your mind that align with Scripture. God may give you an idea that requires obedience. Often, it’s very difficult. It requires financial faith, enemy forgiveness, or sacrificial service. Yet, it’s often The Holy Spirit leading you.
Thank God for the incremental good that you see start to take place in the nightmarish situation. If the nightmare gets worse, lock in to pray for the long haul.
Believe God will use your prayers and obedience even if you can’t see change in your circumstance. Ask God to help you see with eternal eyes so that you can walk by faith through the pain.
In all honesty, I’m still walking through some nightmarish situations, but I’m not alone. God will strengthen me and lead me through these. He will for you too. Let’s not allow pain to keep us from God. Instead, let that pain be an opportunity to draw close and pray.
Today follow the above outline in your prayer time.
DAY 27
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. —Genesis 2:7
When I was in middle school, my parents' home had an above- ground, oval swimming pool. From the minute the cover came off, to the time fall came, you could find me there. On the days when I was swimming alone, I had one go-to challenge for myself: beat my record of how many lengths I could swim underwater.
With goggles suctioned to my face and one hand gripping the ledge, I’d take several deep breaths. With a final inhale, I would release my hand, submerge my head, and kick off the wall with all my strength. The first length was easy, touching the wall quickly and using a flip turn to get another boost. The second length was doable, but the third is where it got very tough. Everything in me wanted to come up for air. I would push forward, exhaling little pockets of air every few seconds, until all the air had left my lungs. Breaking through the surface, I took a deep, desperate inhale. Oxygen... Relief. And after I caught my breath? I’d do it all over again.
It wasn’t until college that the Lord showed me that this swimming routine was a metaphor for many of our spiritual lives. We take a deep inhale on Sundays, and often deprive ourselves of Oxygen for The rest of the week, pushing through the week as best as we can. My struggle was that I wasn’t breathing in His Word, or His Presence, and was leaning on my own strength. Even worse, I didn’t really seek God out until I felt desperate, when all along His Oxygen was abundant, near, and available.
Does this pattern resonate with you? I’d like to invite you to envision your spiritual breathing habits. How long are you going without taking a breath- opening His word, listening for His Spirit? Jesus said, “Whoever abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 (emphasis mine). This verse is the opposite of holding your breath underwater. It’s actually a whole lot more like freestyle — the intersection of living in the world, but taking in breaths from heaven to keep you swimming strong.
Recognizing our utter dependence on his Holy Spirit is the first step to end striving, and begin operating with Kingdom power and strength. It might take a renewed sense of humility to recognize and say, “God I NEED you like I need Oxygen.” It might take discipline to establish new patterns — learning freestyle, if you will — which can seem difficult or daunting. But let me assure you, relying on Sunday as your only source of His Presence is much harder.
Jesus, please help me to abide in You today. I confess that in order to follow You fully and do Your will, I need your Holy Spirit like I need oxygen. I do not want to operate in my own strength; I want to experience what it is like to be led by You and sustained by You minute-by-minute. Would You fill every moment of my day today, and show me what it truly means to abide in You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
DAY 28
When we pray, we often guard our hearts hoping for as little risk as possible. We ask for things, but deep down, we might not truly believe they will happen. We pray for healing, but we prepare for the worst. We ask for provision, but we start calculating how we can make do with less. We pray for our prodigal child to return to the faith, but we brace ourselves for more heartache. It’s natural to be cautious, especially when life has taught us that things don’t always go our way. But what if—just what if—God answers? What if He actually does the very thing you’re praying for?
Do you remember the story of the blind men who cried out to Jesus in Matthew 9? They were desperate, blind, and longing for healing. They didn’t whisper their request; they shouted it. They followed Him, crying out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” When Jesus asked if they believed He could heal them, they boldly replied, “Yes, Lord.” And Jesus did just that—He healed them according to their faith.
Then He touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you”; and their sight was restored. Jesus warned them sternly, “See that no one knows about this.” But they went out and spread the news about Him all over that region.
—Matthew 9:29-31
These men approached Jesus with bold faith, expecting a miracle, and Jesus met their expectations. Imagine if they had let doubt keep them silent, if they hadn’t believed Jesus would respond. They would have missed out on their healing.
So what does this mean for us? It means that when we pray, we should do so with boldness and faith. We should pray as if God is listening, as if He cares deeply about our requests, as if He is ready and willing to move mountains on our behalf—because He is. The question isn’t whether God can answer our prayers; the question is whether we believe He will.
But what if He does? What if He heals your sickness? What if He provides that financial breakthrough? What if He brings your loved one back to faith? What if He opens doors you thought were permanently closed? These are not just hypothetical scenarios— they are realities in the Kingdom of God.
The Apostle Paul reminds us of God’s ability to do far more than we could ever imagine:
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. —Ephesians 3:20-21
When you pray, remember who you’re praying to. You’re praying to the God who created the universe, the God who raised Jesus from the dead, the God who is intimately involved in your life. Pray with faith, not because you are guaranteed a specific outcome, but because you serve a God who is able and willing to respond. It’s time to pray with boldness. It’s time to believe that the God who parted the Red Sea, who made the sun stand still, and who defeated death itself can and will answer your prayers. And if He does, how will that change your faith? How will it change your life?
Lord, I come to You today with boldness, asking for Your miraculous intervention in my life. I know You are able to do far more than I could ever imagine, and I choose to believe that You will move in my situation. I lay my doubts and fears at Your feet and ask for the faith to believe in Your power and goodness. Help me
to trust in Your timing and Your ways, even when I cannot see the outcome. Amen.
DAY 29
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers He will shelter you with his wings. —Psalm 91:1-4
Running errands can be a grueling process, especially when you’re a child. I can still remember running errands with my mom. I did not know what was on the list for the day, but I knew two things: I had to come along, and it could take all day! I remember feeling tired, bored, and just wanting to go home to play. “How many more stores?” would play on repeat.
So what would my sisters and I do to keep ourselves entertained? We’d play a shadow game. Tablets and cell phones were not a common distraction for me as a child, so my sisters and I would play a game where we always had to be stepping on someone’s shadow. Similar to the game “Floor is Lava”, only this time the shadows would move. Shadow games kept life a little more exciting. For instance, we didn’t know why we were going into Kmart, but we knew we had to stay close to mom if we wanted to successfully walk on her shadow. In this game, wherever the shadow moved, so did I.
Even though I’m older now, I still have to run errands (funny how that works) and now it’s my kids who are playing shadow games. Yet I still find myself playing a shadow game. Believe it or not, all of us are.
We are all following something or someone. Maybe it’s a career, maybe it’s social influencers, maybe it’s culture. It could be that we are following God and His plans for us, but we could also be following the lures and temptations of the enemy. His goal, after all, is to steal our attention away from our Heavenly Father (John 10:10).
Before I continue further, I want you to ask yourself, “Whose shadow am I following? Who am I chasing after? Is it the Lord or someone (or something) else?”
In Psalm 91, the writer mentions the word “shadow” several times. It describes dwelling near to God and following Him wherever He goes. In order to be in someone’s shadow, you have to be in close proximity behind them, not in front of them. I believe that we often live thinking it’s the other way around: We lead, God follows us. We run our errands and do our things, knowing that God is right there behind us when we need Him.
But the writer of Psalm 91 describes the opposite: God leads and we follow. And in order to receive His shelter and protection, in order to know Him well and dwell in His Presence, we need to be close to Him. This takes a decision to surrender, to trust, and to have faith in God and His plans for us.
Consider the shadow game: When you are trying to remain in someone’s shadow, where do you look? You can’t look up, you have to look down. You have to look at where you are placing your feet.
You trust the person or the thing you are following. You don’t get to see the whole picture - where you are, what you are walking towards. All you are focused on is staying as close as you can so that you remain in the shadow. This takes trust, faith, and care. I want to ask you again, who are you putting your trust and faith in?
Often when we pray, we ask God for His Presence to be near to us. “God, may we sense Your Presence; may we see evidence of You throughout our day.” I cannot count the amount of times I have prayed those words. And while I genuinely mean every single word I pray, I wonder if God asks the same of me? To flip it around and consider God’s perspective, I wonder if this is what He thinks:
“Lauren, I want to sense your presence. I want to see evidence of you following me, abiding in me, drawing closer to me every single day.” Often I think we ask God for His Presence without giving Him ours.
Now that we have some context and an image to associate with shadows, let’s read the passage in Psalm 91 again:
Those who live in the shelter of the
Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
He is my God, and I trust him.
What a precious gift we receive in return when we place ourselves in the shadow of the Almighty God. With all this world is throwing at us, with all the schemes of the enemy trying to attack us, God provides protection. This doesn’t mean hard days won’t come upon us, this doesn’t mean you’ll never feel heartache or pain. Jesus followed God’s will and He still felt all those things. But when the hard times come, whose shadow would you rather be in, God’s or someone else’s? I guarantee no one else and nothing else is as strong as the Lord. Even the writer describes God as “Most High” and “Almighty”.
But in order to receive, we first have to trust. The author of this chapter begins with three critical words, “Those who live...”. Do not read quickly past those words to get to the promise. Are you part of “those who...”? Do you choose to live your life in the shelter of the Most High? Live, dwell, abide: these are critical words. I heard someone once say, “God doesn’t ask for much but He wants everything.” Do you give Him all your presence? Do you live abiding in Him (John 15:5)? Or do you only come to Him in prayer when you desperately need something? Do you thank Him sometimes, only when there’s been a major victory? Scripture says “Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17); do you converse with God daily?
One final question: Has your life been a shadow game with the Most High? If the answer is no, He’s inviting you to start today!
Heavenly Father, you are the Most High God. You are the Almighty. Today we give you not only our attention, but our presence, our lives. Not for what we get for it, but because of who You are. We are sorry for walking away or playing shadow games with someone else. You are who we want to follow. You are the one who will lead us. You are the one who has good plans and purposes for us. You are the one who will protect us. May we trust that You will guide us. May we abide in You and bear fruit so that others will see Your Spirit among them. May our focus and attention be on You, always. Thank you for inviting us to follow your shadow, may we dwell there, in joy! Amen.
DAY 30
We will never be wronged by someone the way we have wronged God, and yet, God has wiped our debt free. —Rob McCorkle
I love the disciple Peter. It’s probably because I feel like I can relate to Him most. Peter had many great qualities, but he was also a little rough around the edges. Oftentimes his mouth would get him in trouble or give away what he was thinking, when it should have just stayed an unspoken thought. In Matthew 18:21, Peter has one of his famous moments while asking a serious question. The scripture says,
“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” And there it is. He should have just stopped at his first question.
Instead he had to throw in there “up to seven times.” No doubt this was Peter trying to act smart. Maybe he was trying to give a good impression, get some brownie points with his insightful intellect or show the other disciples up with his overachieving willingness to forgive up to seven times. Yet this is a serious question that Jesus goes on to answer with, you guessed it, a parable. Before he tells the parable, he lets Peter know that he is way off and answers Peter by saying, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”
In Matthew 18:22-35, Jesus goes on to tell a parable about a king who wanted to settle all his outstanding accounts. He came across a man who owed the king a lot of money. Ten thousand bags of gold to be exact. That is quite a debt. The man could not repay his debt, so the king ordered that everything the man owned be sold, including his wife and children. The man then fell to his knees and begged the king to be patient with him, and that he would for sure pay the king back all the money he owed. The king took pity on the man and canceled his debt. Wow, that was a lot of debt that just got erased! You would think the servant would be incredibly grateful and humbled by the extraordinary act of mercy and grace the king bestowed upon him. But the text goes on to say that the man went out, found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed the servant and began to choke him, demanding that the servant pay back what he owed him! His fellow servant responded much like he did to the king and fell to his knees, begging for patience and assuring him that he would pay it all back. However, he refused and had his fellow servant thrown into prison. The problem was some of the king's servants were watching this all go down and were outraged with this man whom the king had forgiven such a large debt and went to tell the king. When the king heard what had happened, he called the servant back and handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until his full debt of 10,000 bags of gold had been repaid.
The kicker is what Jesus says next in verse 35. “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”
This isn’t the first time Jesus had talked about forgiving others. In Matthew 6:14-15, He said, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
This is a hard truth to swallow, especially when you have been on the wrong end of being hurt or betrayed. But what you need to know is that Jesus had your best interests in mind. You see, when Peter asked his question, he asked it thinking there were limits to forgiveness. But Jesus abolishes that notion with His answer of seventy-seven times. Jesus was trying to teach His disciples that there would not ever be a moment in our lifetime on earth where Jesus would withhold forgiveness from us. There are no limits to His forgiveness. He also expects us to do the same.
When we harbor bitterness and unforgiveness, it throws an anchor in our lives. That's what boats and ships do when they come into the harbor - they throw anchor because they want to stay put. And that's exactly what bitterness and unforgiveness do when you allow them to harbor in your heart: they throw anchor. When we hold on to bitterness and refuse to forgive the person who wronged us, all we are doing is continually allowing them to hurt us, over and over and over, again and again and again. God never called us to live this way. He called us and paid the price for us, so that we could live in freedom. One of my favorite verses is Galatians 5:1 — “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
We are not judge nor are we jury. That is way beyond our pay grade, and honestly I am so thankful, because that is way too much pressure. But we serve a God who is a just judge and He is righteous. When we choose to forgive, we simply let that person off our hook trusting that God will deal with them, which He will. In the process of letting them off our hook we actually allow Jesus to forgive us, set us free and bring healing to our hearts. No one can heal the heart like Jesus can. But He won’t until we release the offense. We have to let go of it and turn it over to Him.
You may be saying in your mind, “but Pastor John, you don’t know what they did to me.” You're right, I don't know. But I do know how I hurt God with all my sin, my rejection, my rebellion and my ignorance. Yet He still forgave me. What you have to remember is forgiveness is always an issue between you and God, not you and the person who wronged you. Unless God specifically instructs you, you don’t have to reach out to them, write them a letter, or even be friends with them. If they hurt you, chances are they will continue that trend. I would stay away. All you are responsible for is forgiving them before the Lord. One of the most freeing acts of releasing others takes place when you pray for them. And not just any prayer but praying a prayer of blessing over them. When you can do that, you know Jesus just forgave you and set you free.
Lord Jesus, I choose right now to forgive (name) for (be specific) . What they did made me feel them for . I release them unto you and I pray that you bless them in all that they do. Bless their relationships, bless them financially, and Lord bring them to a saving knowledge of you. In Jesus name, I AM FREE! Amen!
DAY 31
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. —1 John 5:14-15
In one of my prayer times recently, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that there was a season last year where I was praying from a place of fear instead of praying from a place of faith. These prayers were desperate prayers. While there is nothing wrong with desperate prayers, these prayers were fueled by “what if thoughts”: uncertainty, doubt, and an inner voice genuinely questioning whether or not God was listening. This particular morning, the Holy Spirit convicted me and revealed to me very clearly that I was praying from a place of fear instead of faith.
I want to take you to a couple different passages of Scripture and talk to you about a phrase that I have read before, but until God showed me, I hadn’t caught the deeper revelation. In Mark 10:46-52, we find the story of the blind beggar Bartimaeus. Jesus had spent some time ministering in Jericho. He and his disciples, along with a crowd of people, were on their way out of town. Bartimaeus must have overheard some of the people talking and realized that Jesus was walking by and he began to cry out. Let’s pick up the story in verse 48.
Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”
“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
—Mark 10:48-52
The phrase I want to unpack here is “throwing his cloak aside”. This phrase “throwing aside” is taken from the Greek word, apoballo, which means to throw something away, to discard, or to get rid of something which is no longer desired, needed, or wanted.
Why did Jesus stop? Jesus was amazed at Bartimaeus’s relentlessness, it caught His attention and He called for Bartimaeus to come. But something was hindering Bartimaeus. Either his cloak was wrapped too tight which was preventing him from getting up, or he was holding on to it too tightly because it was all he had and didn’t want to lose it. Whichever was the reason, Bartimeaus had to make a decision and make it fast. He threw his cloak aside, meaning he forcefully got rid of it. He threw aside that which was keeping him from walking toward his miracle. Every Christ follower has multiple moments like this one where we have to throw aside that which is hindering us from getting to Jesus.
However, in my case, the Holy Spirit was convicting me of throwing the wrong thing aside. You see, sometimes we become exhausted in the waiting. Waiting for God to answer our prayers the way we think he should answer them and in the timeline we think he should answer them. Its, during these times of waiting that we are tempted to say:
“I’m done”
“I’m tired of waiting”
“I’ve given enough to this” “I’m out”
What we are actually doing is “throwing away” our confidence.
Let’s look at another passage of scripture that uses this same Greek word apoballo. In fact, I want you to look for the key phrase “throw away” as you read this text.
Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay. And, But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back. —Hebrews 10:32-38
In this passage of scripture, God warns us to never quit, never give up, and never shrink back. The author of Hebrews is writing to a group of people who have experienced persecution and loss. In fact, all their worldly possessions had been seized by whom I am assuming is the Roman government. In the midst of these extremely trying times of persecution and loss, we are encouraged to not throw away or discard our confidence.
When we experience times of pressure or desperation and God doesn’t act the way we want Him to, it's easy for us to be tempted to lose confidence in Him and start questioning His promises.
Is God ever going to turn my mourning into dancing?
Can I really count on God to turn my ashes into beauty?
How much longer do I have to suffer waiting for the promises of
God to come to pass?
Am I waiting for something that will never happen?
God are you even hearing me?
Are you listening?
Where are you?
In my case, I had given a place to these doubts, which are really subtle lies, and to others like them, allowing them to take root in my heart. I had entertained the lies of the enemy which automatically caused me to cast off my confidence in the Lord. The very thing God was warning these early believers in Hebrews to not let go of. I realized in retrospect that during that season I was praying from a place of fear instead of a place of faith. Prayers from the place of fear have no power. However, prayers from the place of faith have the power to move mountains.
The writer of Hebrews also emphatically urges us as believers to persevere. Persevere is the Greek word hupomeno meaning to stand your ground, hold your position, or keep your feet firmly planted right where they are. This is the posture we take on when we pray from a place of faith, trusting in the Lord, trusting in His many promises, and knowing that He will never fail us. Praying with confidence means praying bold, fearless prayers, identifying God’s unfailing promises and believing those promises with at least as much faith to match the size of a mustard seed.
Whatever the challenge or struggle you're facing, don’t throw off your confidence! Throw off the lies, throw off the hindrances, throw off anything that is stopping you from encountering Jesus and His promises, but don’t throw off your confidence. Pray from the place of faith. And if you need some direct promises from the Lord for your situation, ask Him. He won’t fail. He will give them to you. Some practical advice, start reading the Psalms and just start looking for His promises. When one jumps out at you, pray it back to the Lord immediately multiple times solidifying His promise in your heart.
Lord Jesus, restore my confidence in You! Teach me Your promises. You are my light and salvation. You are the stronghold of my life. You are the rock in which my feet are firmly planted. I declare that all Your promises are true. Teach me always to pray confidently from a place of fully trusting You. Amen!
Throughout my life, I’ve never lived outside of the state of Michigan. Over the years that I have spent growing up here, only two obstacles have posed a challenge to my enjoyment of this mitten-shaped state: the sheer amount of road construction and the weather. Neither of these complaints is unique to me as a resident, but the latter has personal reasoning. You see, I love going for runs. The sights of nature, the feeling of the wind on my face, and yes, even the physical exertion, all bring me great joy. Yet, from the months of November until early May, it’s truly unbearable to attempt running. The sheer cold burns the skin, your sweat freezes, your shoes become soaked in melted snow, and that list could easily go on. During this large annual window of time, I try my hardest to find alternative methods of keeping myself healthy until late spring arrives.
The time, of course, finally comes when the weather permits me to comfortably run again. However, without fail, my “first run of the year” ends up as a miserable experience. My legs ache, my heartbeat is far too fast for its own good, and I can barely catch my breath. In short, my body is entirely out of rhythm with all the endurance I had built up the previous year. In just a few short months, the miles I used to breeze through become an embarrassing display of slamming on the breaks to catch my breath. After this run, it can be difficult not to become discouraged.
It is conceptually the same with prayer. I have lost track of the times when I have seen my fellow Christ-followers beat themselves up over the instances where they zealously commit to waking up at 4 a.m. to pray for hours a day, only to become overwhelmed in the very first week and ultimately give up on their goal, leaving them feeling frustrated and defeated. Whether we admit it or not, we all want to do it “right” the first time; we want to achieve the perfect amount of commitment, and we want the perfect articulation of all our prayers.
However, the fact of the matter is that our relationship with the Lord is not a New Year's resolution. Our relationship with Jesus, the Suffering Messiah, is not a list to be checked or a goal to be achieved. Our desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit is not a task we can succeed or fail at. When the circumstances and trials of life steal our attention away from our time in the secret place, and we slip from the healthy patterns we established, or if we’ve never established the patterns at all, the notion of creating margin in our day and establishing a prayer life can be daunting.
To combat that mindset, I have only one piece of advice. Simply begin by praying. To borrow the words of Pastor Tyler Staton, “The one non-negotiable rule when it comes to prayer is to show up and keep showing up.”8 When you wake up in the morning, take a brief moment to thank God for another opportunity to seek Him. Praise Him on the way to and home from work. Share your gratitude, burdens, and everything in between. Before you lay your head down to rest, pour out your praise to Him for walking alongside you through all that the day brought. The healthy patterns, the right articulations, and the lengthy intimate sessions of prayer can only begin to form once you’ve committed yourself to simply showing up to your times of prayer. To lean on my previous illustration, I cannot be upset with myself for being unable to run five miles if I don’t daily put on my running shoes and step outside.
The Hebrews writer follows the famous Hall of Faith chapter with this powerful statement,
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. —Hebrews 12:1–2
In this passage lies the twofold powerful truth of our pursuit of Jesus. First, we must fix our eyes on Him. More than any revelation or answer we could get out of our time spent in prayer, our strengthened relationship with Him is the ultimate reward. Secondly, we must run with perseverance. When you choose to show up again and again to the place of prayer, it creates a steadfast and enduring spirit within you. Inevitable distractions or challenges will get in the way of your race, but it is in those moments where we choose to seek Him regardless of our reservations or feelings that a beautiful relationship and incredible intimacy are born.
Lord, thank You for the privilege of prayer. Thank You for wanting real, authentic relationships with the creation that You gave your son as a sacrifice to save. In response to who You are and what You’ve done, I choose to seek You. I ask, Lord, that You increase in me a desire to choose to seek You by simply beginning to pray, to shower You with words of worship, to lay out my fears and failures, and to simply rest in knowing that my eyes are fixed on You. I ask, Jesus, that these intentional times of fellowship between us create in me a greater endurance to seek You further. I love You, Lord, and I thank You, amen.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. —James 4:7
Submission is a word many of us are uncomfortable with. The idea of bending our will to the will of another is unbearable. We have often heard the word submission used in a negative context; when you submit to someone, you are losing to them. However, this definition of submission was never God’s intention for the concept of submission.
In this verse in James, we all would like the latter part to happen to us, for the devil to leave us alone. No one wants bad things to happen to them or others, and when circumstances are not going well, we are quick to complain. We want to resist the devil, but sometimes, what we do in actuality is resist God. Maybe this isn’t intentional or spiteful, but sometimes our routine gets in the way, and we have big plans. We might have a plan for every detail of our day or even our life, and submitting to God somehow feels much harder now.
When I was in high school, I attended the Bold Conference in Kansas City. During worship, a girl I didn’t know stood in front of me, and she did something that caught my attention. She kept raising her left hand in worship, singing the songs and praising God. In her right hand was her phone, and she kept looking down at it, texting what I assume was her boyfriend, where she kept sending hearts and messages like “I just wish I was with you.” Her attention was all on Jesus in one moment, and in the next moment, she would look down, taking all her attention away, and putting it on someone else.
This story is an example of being unable to submit our full attention to God; our attention is divided. In one moment on a Sunday morning, our complete devotion is given to God, and then what follows is a whole week of devotion to ourselves. When that is the case, what we are submitting to is the desires of our heart. Submitting to God is no easy task because it requires something from us; it requires us to give up our will and our need to be our own savior.
There are many times in our lives when we struggle with things. In those situations our first inclination is to listen to the second part of the verse to resist the devil. However, We usually forget the first part, to submit first to God. The next verse in this passage highlights the importance of our proximity with God, and when we submit to Him, we are able to draw near to Him.
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. —James 4:8a
What we often try to do when things are going wrong in our lives, when we get devastating medical news, have severed relationships with our loved ones, or struggle with a sin issue, is try so hard to run away from the source of evil. However, we never run in the direction of God, draw near to him, and find our refuge in him. We try hard to avoid struggles in life, but we never focus on submitting our will and situations to God. When we fix our eyes on God and how we can draw closer to Him, we are not just running from something but to something. This change breaks the frustrating, endless cycle of running and allows us to find rest in submission to God.
Today, I want to challenge you to stop whatever you are doing and whatever you might be running from. Slow down today, submit your will and plan for the day to God, ask Him what he wants to do with your life, and listen. If anything is weighing heavy on your heart, try submitting it to God this morning. Talk to God about what you are going through and hold nothing back; be honest with God. When you are all done letting go and submitting, praise Him for allowing you to draw near to Him.
Dear Lord, Search me and know my thoughts. What is Your will for my life? Teach me how to submit my time to You because it is Your time first. I submit to You my day, my agenda, and all of the tasks I have to get done. I give You permission to slow me down and fixate my eyes on You. Uproot any sin or bitterness I may have in my heart; I submit my desire to fix it all on my own. You deserve all of my praise and worship. You are Holy, I love You, and thank You for
drawing near to me today. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.